Friday, March 02, 2007

Performing on Lisbon Streets

Something is always going on, somewhere.
The Pauliteiros come down from Mirandela, Behind the Mountains, to do their stick-dance for the Lisboetas;
A kid in his Benfica tracksuit helps a juggler;
An old street-musician extracts sounds like teeth from half a guitar;
Winston Churchill on his mobile phone doesn't notice the guy strutting his stuff at a Lucia Moniz sound-check.

There is still so much for you to see of this city and around it. I have it, even if it was shot "yesterday". Your visit brings sustenance.


Nikon said...

You always seem to capture the exact time to press the shutter & that makes all of the difference.

Analía said...

jajaja my friend, I was reading about the pictures and I started laughing when I got to the Wiston Churchill part. Thanks for that.
I wish I knew how you feel being back there, tell me ok? About your not visiting...well, I understand very well; I have felt lousy too...different reasons, same reaction...away front blogs and pc. But amigo, there are some people who need us to be back, don't you think? Me parece que de a poquito lo estamos haciendo. Oye, seremos hermanos de verdad para que tengamos sentimientos tan parecidos?
Te quiero mucho, I loved all your pictures. Don't stay away from us so long ok? Hugs and kisses

ana said...

Welcome back, Stewart. Love the pics.

RUTH said...

That guy really does look like Winston! The first photo looks as if it could be quite dangerous; something like our Morris men I surmise.You have captured some "REAL" people shots here. Does anyone ever complain when you take their photo? Looking forward to more of a tour of the city....even if only through a computer screen.
Much Love

Audrey said...

You never fail to delight Stewart. I liken myself to a child,just about to open a present when I visit your blog..What is it going to be..the anticipation,the wonder.

Laughed too at the likeness to Winston and love the tenacity of the man picking out a tune on that guitar lol

The first is so colourful and vibrant, must be the sunshine they give a lovely feeling when I look at these..capture the mood so well

P.S. PRESUME NOTHING..were your words, not assume nothing..My apology x x x Auds

Icarus said...

"Old Friends. Old Friends.
Sat by the PC like bookends..."

It is great. If it is possible, then it simply does good.
Thanks Paul, it's a complex, evolved process. There's such a difference just holding a digital, compared with a conventional. But it's all about observing, practice and anticipation.
Ani, estoy de acuerdo contigo!
Thanks Ana, even more welcome back to you!!! Such a long (horrible) time! Tá à correr bem?
Ruth, re. the remark to Paul, a conventional camera can't be hidden, so for individuals I always used to ask if they minded first. Unless I was using a long lens. With the small digital, they usually just don't see it,it's so small and discreet. Although recently, I don't shoot individuals a lot. Not humans, anyway! I guess it's true, something like the Morris Boys, yet more intricate and varied. Prettier outfits too! I don't know any country anywhere whose people seem to like dressing up in traditional costumes as much as Portugal.
Thanks auds, what a sincerely warming comment! I'll let you into a secret about the half-guitar man. One night in December, I was in a Lisbon street with some friends from the place where I live and saw him. I announced:
"Oh, he's got himself a new guitar, with a neck!" The friends all wanted to know what on earth I meant, LOL.
And "Presume Nothing" is for always.

Nabeel said...

Oh what great pictures .. ahh the rich performances. By the way, I love U2 and their song Beautiful Day.

photowannabe said...

Great vinettes of life in these shots Stewert. Lisbon is a very interesting city.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Your first picture is fantastic, both very geometric and full of life. I like the others too.

Analía said...

I kept thinking about the Pauliteiros and in how their dance would be, so I did a little search and I finally saw them dancing in a youtube video. Here is the link for the ones like who want to know a little more about this kind of traditional dance:

Do they ever hit their heads while dancing? Auchhhh

Mar said...

Qué bueno todo tu blog, amigo. Lo he estado repasando y cada vez me parece mejor:)

Un abrazo

Cergie said...

Il y a apparemment toujours à voir à Lisbonne même quand on est fatigué Ce qui me surprend c'est cette cohabitation entre toutes sortes de gens
Par exemple la photo du haut : ce sont des gens en costumes traditionnels et ce petit garçon en jogging et des personnes qui font la manche, des jeunes des vieux et tout ça semble cohabiter harmonieusement

Jenny said...

Just back from an unexpected funeral... these pictures bring joy and life - just what's needed. Do they represent some kind of shift for you too?

Anonymous said...

It was nice of you to visit get zapped. I love these pics, especially, the man sitting and playing guitar. I hope all is well on your end. Peace.