Monday, March 05, 2007

"After the Storm, All the Colours Came Out"

"The heart is a bloom, shoots up through the stoney ground"; Escuchaste?

Spring is so near now, so let's fast-forward a few weeks.........
And let me use these flowers as a bouquet of thanks to all my friends who haven't deserted me through the storm.
I feel hungry for a new spring, that at times I thought I would not see.
Presume nothing.
(Sorry, Bono. I had to change it. It WAS a storm, and NOT a flood. But we can see the world in green and blue, at least.)


Jenny said...

It's amazing how only six weeks of winter ccan seem just as long as if it had started back in November when it was supposed to. I guess even though it hasn't been cold for very long, it's been grey and brown and colorless for what seems like forever. Jut the thought of these luscious, velvety blooms and their spicy scents is so cheering on another grey, cold, snowy Monday. You've given me a gift - I thank you!

Oliviah said...

Stewart! What a joy to hear from you! And these flowers, they are so gorgeous. :) Hugs and kisses,

RUTH said...

You are indeed touching my heart!....beautiful shots of the magnolia & arum...the collage enchanting "ahhhhh"....Can we strike a bargain...if I grow the flowers can you photograph photo of mine does the justice they deserve.
How I love the onset of Spring...for all her faults; floods, storms,earthquakes; Mother Nature is a benevolent creature.

Audrey said...


Thank you Stewart, these just brought so much beauty to my day, the perfect ending.

Wishing you the sweetest of dreams

Goodnight x Auds

Cergie said...

Comme toujours tes photos sont magnifiques et surprenantes Ces macros de fleurs sont très belles
Le coeur d'arum surtout
Et tu as toujours d'aussi beaux montages
Je suis passée ce soir te dire que le message que tu viens de me laisser m'a fait un bien fou. J'avais besoin d'entendre ce que tu m'as écrit à cette heure tardive, moi qui ne suis pas du soir, moi qui ne vaut rien le soir
Je suis parfois triste le soir et le lendemain matin ça passe heureusement...

Je t'embrasse bien affectueusement

Icarus said...

Hmmmm, Audrey et Cergie, almost simultaneous timing, 2 languages, different reasons but a similarity in the message.
Audrey, after the day all the colours came out!
Cergie si je t'ai apporté du soulagement à la fin du jour, j'en suis content. Comme tu m'avais dit, ce moyen est capable de réaliser une fonction importante, semer le bien entre nous. Et donner un bouquet de fleurs, quoi de mieux? L'arum que j'aime y en aura encore, mais différents, car je les ai prises macro et avec flash comme l'unique source de lumière. Elles sont hépatantes.
Oliviah, you too. It's really great! Hugs & kisses reciprocated.
And Jenny & Ruth, not overlooked, I'm just delighted to give you these! Night night.

photowannabe said...

Beauty and spring go together. Many thanks for the bouquet Stewart.

Tea said...

Beautiful pictures to see on another cold and blustery snowy day! I thought those words soundded U2ish and then you mentioned Bono :)


get zapped said...

Awesome! I swim in the splendor of sensuality of these photos. I can get over the white one with yellow and green. I could crawl inside and never leave. Peace to you.

Mar said...

qué ganas de vivir que me han entrado!!!!!!

Nikon said...

Great to see the photos & so many - you didn't cheat us on the display! Great montage - it will be so good to see some color here.

Icarus said...

(follow-up to) Dear PhotoWB, Tea, GZ, Mar & Nikon,

Unfortunately, word demands have put the breaks on visits & comments to anyone since yesterday & next few days/desafortunadamente, o peso del trabajo no me dejan 'viajar' para visitarte hoy.

But I have to say that the responses to this have been so gratifying (GZ, yeah, to macro inside an arum bloom - Portuguese name, jarro - really is an invitation to something amazingly sensual. Who wouldn't want to get lkured in to stay there? Should be called siren!). Gratified that this post achieved its goal.
I want & have to to translate for you what Mar has written (yo se que vayas dejarme traduzírlo, Mar; sinceramente, me agradeció tanto que tengo que compartirlo, muchíssimas graçias con mil besos):
"What a will to live they have brought to me!"
Beautiful. Like all of you. My thanks & back soon/hasta luego...Sxxx

Icarus said...

PS...LOL, the eternal typo, although they are Office-Word demands, they do constitute WORK!

Analía said...

Colors and more colors that paint my day with hope and smiles. Thank you for that!
Como dice Mar, que ganas de vivir me han entrado... a mi tambien! It doesn't matter that fall is coming here as long as I keep those colors in my heart...and I will.
I love your post today. hugs and kisses

Stephen A. Bess said...

It is definitely Spring over here at your place! Beautiful photos. I love the rolling hills.

Mauigirl said...

Glad to see you back! Lovely photos as always!

AnaGF said...

It's been a week without my modem (again) and it's great to open Time and a Word and be greeted by so much colour. Apparently, M.'s in sinthony (?) with you, for today we decorated our "Spring Window", although it's still a few days till we get there!

Anonymous said...

Awesome collection of flowers!

tsduff said...


Those pictures are a feast for my eyes - colors, rolling hills with trees & sky.. works of art captured forever by your eye. Love it Stewart

And thank you for your encouragement at my place - it was well received by me :-)

Oliviah said...

I'm back again, to see these flowers--and to give you more hugs. It seems so long since we talked. Hugs and more hugs. These flowers are incredible, what an artist you are. I never noticed flowers as so sensual.

Icarus said...

well, that seems pretty unanimous, the desired affect achieved.

The rolling-hills take on the Windows XP desktop...shot at 150kms/90 miles an hour from an open car window...No, I wasn't driving!
And Oliviah, that is great you came back for more. Particularly because I liked this post so much that I have delayed putting on a new one! And U2 has to stay also. All hugs gratefully received, the need is rather great at the moment (((((((everyone))))))).

Analía said...

those flowers seems to be taken from Ruth's garden. Very nice. I came to see the color because it's been raining the whole week here.
Love, ani

Nabeel said...

i loved the pictures .. the pink petals are sooo soft .. once can almost reach out and touch it.

RUTH said...

Popping in to give you some Monday morning ((((HUGS))))

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics.M just asked me "is that Stewart singin!" lol
kisses and hugs to

Icarus said...

Hi Nabeel. Those petals are magnolia, and they posed me some difficulties because of the height. I love to take macros to the interior of the bloom, but these were only possible by doing it 'blind', raising the camera up, shooting & hoping. This one here was lateral, of course.

Carole, for M, there WAS only one answer...I hope you gave it to him. "YES, OF COURSE! WHO ELSE COULD IT BE, DIVVY?" We know what he's like! KISsES & Hugs back.