Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Views from a Battered Blogger........

Occasionally, my eternal urge to resist can still flare up.
So here are 4 shots of the Monastery of Jerónimos (16th cent.),taken last Saturday.
The daylight ones were the first thing I did when I got out of the car at 10 in the morning,to overcome the culture shock of being in Lisbon again.
The night shots were the first thing I did when I came out of my work meeting that had taken up the whole day in between - 9 hours later.
C'est aussi la vie.
It's rare now to even find any reason to take the camera out with me. I have a lot of old to share, but it seriously hurts me to look at them these days. However...
And a very large PS: Thanks for coming by to see if I'm still alive! I cannot express enough how grateful I am that you come here,or how lousy it feels not to visit you like before. Bless you!!




tsduff said...

Seriously don't know what ever happened to you before - but I sincerely hope all is better now. I miss your posts.

Icarus said...

AF, me parece increible que la gente pueda encontrar este espacio, que cabia tanta emoçión, tanta corazon, que acogia tanta gente buena entre Maio 06 e Enero! No obstante, sea siempre bienvenida! Besos.

Terry, just thanks for coming. It's like a disintegration, a silent earthquake. No exaggeration. I few nights ago, I wrote something like a poem about it. Ii was going to post it here, but something stops me. If I do, it may possibly give you a (cryptic)reply. I have a roof over my head, I have 2 rooms in which to do what I need to do and everything else has gone, the quintessentials. And all I have time to do is work, rather than look at all this and find out what has happened to me. And what might happen next.

RUTH said...

And we miss you! These photos....I know nothing (as you know) about the technicalities of taking photographs as beautiful as these....all I know is the immediate visual and emotional impact they have on me. I think I'll have to use a word that our grandchildren use as my vocabulary doesn't seem to cover what I want to say.........they are "SCRUMMYLICIOUS"

AnaGF said...

There's always a reason for someone as talented as you to carry your camera around. And that's not even the main reason that makes us all come back here.

Audrey said...

Im following Ruths line re use of grandchildrens vocab...Im " GOBSMACKED" on two counts. The first that in spite of your deep losses you find the spirit to come and gift us with such beautiful images, and despite your work schedule make that moment to capture this to share.. makes it extra special.

The pictures are wonderful, the ancient crafts, workmanship are astounding.....and again on a childlike theme the fountains colours remind me of candly floss and lemon sherbert...silly I know given the workmanship, but hey :))...and the blue moon

Now to google to read a little of the history

Thank you Stewart

Anonymous said...

I have to place this by proxy for Jenny (with pleasure),as she is reporting problems with my Letter Verification game:
"Glad to see you've poked your head up for a moment - I've been loyally checking daily for updates without wanting to bother you. Xoxo"

And Icarus replies: Look at my face....Am I bothered though????? It's a beautiful day!
All of your comments in the few hours since I posted the Jérónimos pics have all brought me such unexpected positive sustenance. Maybe it's simpler than it looks...
And Bono's doing his bit: "After the flood all the colours came out". I will do what I can for you and for me.
A rainbow of kisses and abraços to all!!!

Nikon said...

I hope that you get many more chances to "come out and play" with your camera.
Hang in....

photowannabe said...

I'm glad to see you too. I don't need to know what happened to you in the past but i do check on you and think your photography is excellent. When you can , share it with us. Photography is good theraphy.

Meg said...

If this is you battered, I hate to see you steamed. (I'm trying to cut down on deep-fried food!!)

Cergie said...

Tu es toujours vivant bien sûr !
Même si tu n'as pas de temps pour blogger !
La vie fait qu'on a parfois d'autres priorités
Je souhaite que tu aies de grandes joies et des belles rencontres en dehors du monde du blog aussi
Mais il faut reconnaitre qu'on forme une famille, non ?
Allez, je t'embrasse en musique

(Ca dure longtemps ce que tu nous a mis et on s'endort un peu en commentant. Quand on est rentré tard comme moi cette nuit et qu'on est un peu fatigué ça s'explique)