This post makes me really happy. It is a good story.
Richard Nixon was re-elected to the White House in November 1972.
The following afternoon, after work, I sat on a bench in Soho Square, London, reading a newspaper article the title of which I still remember, but not the journalist. It was: "Why I Fear for 4 More Years of Tricky Dickie".
I agreed.
I wrote those words below immediately. Nixon didn't manage to last the 4 years, but the thoughts I wrote that long ago day have always stayed close to me.
Ruth sent me a link to a series of photos that her blog-friend, Talj (Natalya) from Yorkshire had taken in the garden during the week she stayed with Ruth, two weeks ago.
When I saw the photo below, I instantly knew that at last, after waiting 34 and a half years, I had seen the precise photo that accompanied that poem.
I put them together and sent it to Ruth, asking her to forward it to Talj, asking her authorisation to post it like this and suggesting that all three of us post it simultaneously, as a way of sharing it more.
So, today here is the fruit of our efforts: the photographer, the writer and the hostess of the photographer and the species that can fly.
Talj is at:
Ruth will publish this on:
The title of this post contains the word 'Purpose'. It is a way to highlight what has united Ruth and Talj. Talj is Natalya Jagger. Her best friend is Andrew Mcgill, whose daughter, Rose, passed away last November, aged 22. The story of Rose is truly heart-rending, yet inspiring to those who ask "Why?". Andrew & Talj created a fund in Rose's name to raise awareness & contributions to the Clatterbridge Cancer Campaign. They now devote much time & energy to this necessary, worthwhile cause.
Please copy/paste this link below into your browser to learn a little more of Rose's story:
Hopefully, by bringing your attention to the Clatterbridge Cancer Campaign, then this post could actually do some real, positive good.
Thank you friends.
A Toast to Richard Nixon’s Re-Election, November 1972,
Sitting in Soho Square after Work.
In praise of Living Things,
Those unafraid to cry;
Of small fragments of life
That only have wings.
There are species that envy
Being able to fly.
Inanimate crowns mean nothing, like kings;
The blood royal flows through
Those who ask “Why?”.
Sinners and heroes and those who pull strings
And every last creature between earth and sky,
Let LIFE be our purpose, whatever it brings.
Without peace, let us cease and quietly die.
Richard Nixon was re-elected to the White House in November 1972.
The following afternoon, after work, I sat on a bench in Soho Square, London, reading a newspaper article the title of which I still remember, but not the journalist. It was: "Why I Fear for 4 More Years of Tricky Dickie".
I agreed.
I wrote those words below immediately. Nixon didn't manage to last the 4 years, but the thoughts I wrote that long ago day have always stayed close to me.
Ruth sent me a link to a series of photos that her blog-friend, Talj (Natalya) from Yorkshire had taken in the garden during the week she stayed with Ruth, two weeks ago.
When I saw the photo below, I instantly knew that at last, after waiting 34 and a half years, I had seen the precise photo that accompanied that poem.
I put them together and sent it to Ruth, asking her to forward it to Talj, asking her authorisation to post it like this and suggesting that all three of us post it simultaneously, as a way of sharing it more.
So, today here is the fruit of our efforts: the photographer, the writer and the hostess of the photographer and the species that can fly.
Talj is at:
Ruth will publish this on:
The title of this post contains the word 'Purpose'. It is a way to highlight what has united Ruth and Talj. Talj is Natalya Jagger. Her best friend is Andrew Mcgill, whose daughter, Rose, passed away last November, aged 22. The story of Rose is truly heart-rending, yet inspiring to those who ask "Why?". Andrew & Talj created a fund in Rose's name to raise awareness & contributions to the Clatterbridge Cancer Campaign. They now devote much time & energy to this necessary, worthwhile cause.
Please copy/paste this link below into your browser to learn a little more of Rose's story:
Hopefully, by bringing your attention to the Clatterbridge Cancer Campaign, then this post could actually do some real, positive good.
Thank you friends.
A Toast to Richard Nixon’s Re-Election, November 1972,
Sitting in Soho Square after Work.
In praise of Living Things,
Those unafraid to cry;
Of small fragments of life
That only have wings.
There are species that envy
Being able to fly.
Inanimate crowns mean nothing, like kings;
The blood royal flows through
Those who ask “Why?”.
Sinners and heroes and those who pull strings
And every last creature between earth and sky,
Let LIFE be our purpose, whatever it brings.
Without peace, let us cease and quietly die.

Dear Stewart, I am so pleased we were able to come together and make this post. I know what its like to have 'unfinished work' and I am so glad you have been able to find the missing element to this piece of work.
All the best to you, Natalya :o) xx
Sx, I'm really happy that the coincidences/fate of life made our garden, Talj's photo and your words meet.
Thanks for your visit. A wonderful macro here!
Fantastic macro and interesting thoughts.
Stewert, I did post some poppies a while back. I love their vibrant colors and had to pull another from my archives as I didn't have time to take the ones I pass everyday, this time.
Wonderful, thanks Stewart. I visited Talj as well and will be over at Ruth's next!
I'm here and loving this post!!! I might be quite busy but I will always come running when you call.
Hugsssssssss and kissesssssss
Beautiful words and beautiful picture. And the best of the best, to have you posting, that's so good!!
It's nice to see bloggers get together and post on a subject that's important to all of them.
Bonjour ami Icarus, merci d'être passé chez moi hier ou plutôt ce matin. Pour le moment, je vais juste dire un mot de la photo : une très belle guêpe ou bien une mouche qui fait semblant dêtre une guêpe et cette belle macro de la feuille. Je reconnais une feuille de rudbeckia il me semble.
Ces feuilles retiennent la pluie qu'on pourrait comparer aux larmes du ciel.
Je reviendrai lire le texte. Tu le sais, je ne parle pas bien ta langue "maternelle" et j'ai besoin de temps
J'espère que cette fois ce texte ne parle pas de larme mais de rosée ou de source de bonheur.
Many thanks to all & I hope moreover that it helps.
Bonjour ma chère Cergie. Je crois, d'ailleurs je suis certain, que tu puisses en trouver une message positive et constructive. De toute façon, je t'attends!!
There are a few lines in this poem that resonates with me, but the last lines, "Without peace, let us cease and quietly die" really hit deep. It is the reason I ususally end my post with the word, "Peace." The photo is beautiful as well. This was a blessed and meaniful collaboration between you all. Thank you for sharing this with me and all of us. Thank you, sir. Peace~
Thank you old tiger :)
This is a interesting story and beautiful poem to go with. Life works in funny ways, doesn't. it. Thanks for bringing all this to our attention. Peace...
Il faudra que tu m'expliques car j'ai du mal à comprendre : finalement cette photo n'est pas de toi ?!
34 ans tu te rends compte !!!!
Plus long que mes années de mariage
En fait 34 ans c'est le nombre d'années où j'ai connu mon mari.
Ah non, je me trompe ! Toi c'est plus de 34 ans ! Et moi un peu moins...
C'est drôle les chiffres et la mémoire et le fait que les choses se retrouvent ensuite fortuitement
J'aime bien le terme de blog-friend
Ca me plait énormémént
Such a thinker and a dreamer you are. You do touch hearts and this post is no exception. Many hugs and smooches to you.
Thank you for sharing these stories with us - it's really good to have you back. I hope this also means your eyes are getting better. I'm now off to visit the links you left for us.
Hello Stewart,
I'm glad it all came together - a very nice story :)
Incredible poetry S... and wowsa, the eyes on that fly are amazing. You are back to your zenith of talent, both photography-wise and lyricaly. Glad to see you back in form.
Your patience of thirty four and a half years has given birth to a very powerful post. Its incredible as if the words the image were just waiting for the day, the depth of the very moving experiences that you, Ruth and Talj have gifted us through the sharing of story...Thank you
The lines.... Let LIFE be our purpose, whatever it brings
Without peace,let us cease and die quietly...Unforgettable and very powerful xx Auds
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