Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Cycle of Life

With Joana's kind permission & cooperation, this comes mostly with you in mind, dear Ruth.

A few weeks ago, I published "Time and a Word" here.
Then, in "The Flames of Eden", it was the turning of circles.
360º, in a single turn. It seems to me a much better, more accurate way to describe our time. We measure it in years, months, days, minutes, because it is more convenient. Either way, none of know how long it will take for our 360º revolution to be completed.
Maybe long; maybe short. Who knows?
What do we do with it, a single turn of our one circle?
So much can happen in a lifetime. And then again, not so much.
As we alone, among all the species, have the power to decide, we can have aims, aspirations, ambitions, goals.
We can choose to look it straight in the face and plunge in, trying to do the very best we can to make it better. For ourselves alone, or for others.
Or we can sit back, take the easy ride, kid ourselves how tough it is, too tough, be lazy, be afraid if it, moan, blame, live vicariously other people's lives - real or fictitious - that are served up on the TV...A kind of sleep for 75 years or so.
We can live small, we can live mediocre, we can live big - BUT we can choose, to fill it right to the brim, or settle for half-empty, or less.
I know that many only know struggle, enough who drew the bad card, to whom life dictated that it must be that way. But that too can be faced up to; or we can just give up.
Whatever, it is all potentially there in our 360º. Sometimes all mixed up together, sometimes overlapping.
Beginnings know that they will end, in time. Nevertheless, the Spring always returns.

On 6th April, it was Mick's turn to complete his circle.
Last Saturday, the 28th, I learned via her comment to the previous post that Joana, a Portuguese blog-pal living in London, had given birth to her first child on 23rd March.
Ruth, say "Hi" to Filipe, or Piriquito (Parakeet), as he is affectionately known to his Mum & Dad. Here are photos of his first month:

Ruth, I was particularly happy to get this news, not only because of the timing, but because Piriquito is especially welcome. Joana suffered so much with, and after, her first pregnancy in London, which ended in a miscarriage and a huge amount of insensitivity from the NHS.
Knowing you as I do, I am sure you will rejoice for this birth and take some comfort from this brand-new cycle of life just starting out. Isn't he something?
And something else: Piriquito is also the world's youngest blogger. He's waiting for your comments at

For the point at which every 360º circle meets, end embraces beginning; I accept to be an intermediary uniting two immense events into one.
Ruth, although your landscape is irrevocably, unequivocally altered, the pain will be relieved from time to time, and with time. Celebration is no bad thing, is it?
UPDATED 3 May, to offer the below also to Ame, in Santa Clara, Cal., with my condolences, after I learned late last night that your Dad passed away last Weds, 25th April. Joana, your landscape too has changed; may it be filled with warmth and joys through a long, happy, healthy & fulfilled lifetime.
I am therefore happy to unite you, in the form of these roses:

Joana e o teu marido, muitos parabéns, carinho, beijinhos e abraços grandes para voces.
Ruth, long may our friendship run. long may you be you, with kisses and love.
Piriquito, bemvindo & welcome! For you, here is Álvaro, who arrived on my terrace one night and wanted to come in. We couldn't have him, but we gave him a nice hour, eating, drinknig & playing. he's the nearest thing to a parakeet that I could find for you:

When the time comes, Piriquito, make the right choices. Do the right thing. But take your time please, not like your Tio Icarus. It is all yours!

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AnaGF said...

What can I say? You're a wonderful human being, S., and I love visiting your blog. Congratulations, Joana, Piriquito and father. And Ruth, lots of força to you.

RUTH said...

My Dearest Stewart
I know you would never doubt that I would rejoice in the birth of Piriquito, and I also rejoice that after such sorrow the time finally came for Joana to give birth to a new circle of life. When the time comes for each of us to meet our circles end may we each look back and know that we did our best with whatever life we had and that we did no ill to our fellow man.
“It's the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, 'till we find our place, on the path unwinding”
~Elton John~

ana said...

This is for you, darling Periquito and dear Stewart.

You wake up in the morning and lo! your purse is magically filled with twenty-four hours of the magic tissue of the universe of your life. No one receives either more or less than you receive. Waste your infinitely precious commodity as much as you will, and the supply will never be witheld from you. Moreover, you cannot draw on the future. Impossible to get into debt. You can only waste the passing moment. You cannot waste tomorrow; it is kept for you.

Arnold Bennett

Jenny said...

I rejoice at the birth of every baby - I had several miscarriages, before and after my oldest daughter was born, and that makes every moment of their lives just a tiny bit sweeter. Now that my youngest is abuot to turn 5, I miss my little babies, but I'm lucky enough to have a "guest baby" who comes to visit me every few days. He grabs my lip and twists it, pokes his fingers in my nose, and lets out the most wonderful crows of delight at the world. Stewart, how like you to draw lines of connection between and among everyone you meet, finding ways we can all help wach other!

Analía said...

Beautiful post my dear friend. This baby is very cute and a gift for his parents. Circles, circles,a word that got another meaning to me yesterday, too. God bless little Piriquto, and welcome baby to our family. You'll be very loved all around the world :)

photowannabe said...

A very thoughtful and deep post Stewart. I appreciate your thoughts on the circle of life.

Mauigirl said...

Thank you, Stewart, for your note letting me know this post was here. Congratulations to Joana for her new little one. You are right, all our lives are circles. "All my life's a circle, sunrise to sunset..." (Harry Chapin)

Anonymous said...

Hi Stewart. I have taken all the comment boxes off my site, as I do not expect people to leave comments when I usually do not, I have simply been to busy. Thought I'd just say G'day (hi) though and wish you all the best. I'll keep visiting your site, you just may not know I'm here! Best wishes to you and your family, especially with your health. John.

Nikon said...

Very beautiful pictures and text & philosophy behind it all.
I'm glad to have such a nice post to read from you - good luck to us all :)

Icarus said...

Thanks friends, here & those pending from the e-mails.
It was very worth doing this post, even though the price is the weakened eye today.
This morning, I have updated the text to include my condolences to Ame, santaclaradailyphoto, who lost her Dad last week on 25 April. I only knew that a couple of hours after writing this post. I am sure that her zest for life and her irrepressible sense of humour will have her up joking & laughing again before too long.

RUTH said...

My condolences to Ame; please pass them to her for me Stewart; may memories of happy times fill her heart and ease her sadness.

edwin s said...

things always turn around. that's one thing I've learnt. no matter how long it takes. and it happens without explanation. birth, death, love and pain... I've put my gear in auto but I turn the wheel.

Audrey said...

A deeply moving post Stewart, it brought tears to my eyes as I read on...its truth and beauty..

Welcome Periquito :) and congratulations to the happy parents.

Forca to Ruth and Ame x

Carlos said...

Welcome little bird and congratulations to the family... Tio Icarus included.

Icarus said...

Oooops, Carlos. I just have to come back in to correct any misunderstanding: I am only 'Tio' in the loosest sense of the world, like self-appointed honorary. We are not in fact related.
In fact, unlike you & me, Joana & I have never even met!! Or Ruth LOL! Now I start thinking about it, of everyone who has commented this post, I've met you & Ana, and spoken to Jenny & Analia. But it all feels kind of like a family, doesn't it?

Ame said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww STEEEEEEW!!!!!!! How sweet and touching...thank you so much for the mention...aaaawwwwwwwwwwww....and that darling little parakeet!

We lost our little Petey last year and I was JUST thinking about how quiet it is without him and here you have these pix of a (wild?) one? Who visited just out of the blue? TOO CUTE!

Thanks again...can't wait to get back to regular blogging and commenting....but still busy with all Dad's affairs....


Cergie said...

Cher Stewart, c'est un très beau message en plusieurs temps que tu as écrit. A la fois celui du désespoir de l'homme devant l'inéluctable destin et la détermination à vivre son destin au mieux
Je comprends que tu sois fatigué après avoir écrit ce message qu'il FALLAIT écrire
Souviens toi le message sur mon grand'père mort si jeune et souffrant, tu a raconté ton grand'père...
Génération sacrifiée
En dehors de cela en dehors de l'histoire, nous ne sommes pas égaux devant le destin

Le monde s'ouvre à cet enfant Je lui souhaite le bonheur, la réussite, l'amour, ne pas connaitre la guerre

Et l'insouciance de cet oiseau... A-t- il la vérité ? A-t- il raison d'être insouciant au destin ?

Je ne pense pas, le destin il faut le savoir on peut l'accepter oui, mais on peut par certains cotés le dominer
En ne se laissant pas aller, en essayant de vivre chaque instant
Il y a une parabole que j'ai souvent dite à mes enfants, la parabole des talents
Je ne m'en souviens pas dans le détail, mais je vais te la dire en gros

Un maître part en voyage, il confie à ses trois serviteurs trois talents chacun. L'un les enterre pour ne pas les perdre, l'autre les fait prospérer et obtient 6 talents, le troisième fait une mauvaise affaire et se retrouve avec 2

Les deux derniers à leur façon on fait de leur mieux, mais celui qui a enterré ses talents, a-t-il fait de son mieux ?

Merci d'être passé sur cergipontin malgré ta fatigue
Cette volée d'escalier je l'ai photographiée en pensant à toi car au début lorsque je suis venue te voir, tu avais mis une belle rampe d'escalier de rue, tu t'en souviens ?
Je suis allée commenter chez une bloggueuse du nom de catherine et je lui ai commenté un escalier d'intérieur
Elle aime les escaliers, je lui ai dit qu'Icarus aussi qu'elle ne connait pas...

Et bien mon escalier, c'esr un escalier d'intérieur-extérieur, et je le trouve beau malgré sa froideur, car je le prends souvent et les ombres et le soleil sont ses amis

Bonne journée mon ami...

J'embrasse Ruth, Joana et son joli bébé
Je t'embrasse

Cergie said...

C'est vrai que nous sommes une famille
Je serais heureuse de te renconter un jour...

marjan hols reis photography said...

wonderful baby! Still working on covers for bebed`hoje.(so if you know any other babies, ) Why didn´t you say you where here in our village??? I have been running around because of my postcards, next time you come you can buy a nice one in the shop.
All the best!!

Carlos said...

Sometimes it sure feels like a family. If a year ago I was told I would knew someone through the Internet and that we'd became friends to the point I'd feel bad most of the day if that person wasn't ok, or the opposite, I wouldn't believe... but then I met you, Paul, Analia, Ame, Meg... It's a privilege.

Leonor said...

Lovely, beautiful, caring, tender, touching, considerate! I´m running out of adjectives to describe your kindness. Beijos grandes, dear S.

Joana said...

:-), uncle S

Nabeel said...

awwwwwwwwwww how cute .. soo lovely the baby .. God bless :) and awwwwwwww @ parrot .. sooooo cute .. I want one .. so he can sit on my finger.

Tea said...

Beautiful and meaningful post!


P said...


meme si je n'ai pas d'internet souvent, je suis venue te voir..