I've also made this my desk-top photo again, as it just brings so much good & positivity.
Sadly, my reality today is much closer to what is conveyed in the second picture. Outside, the weather is warm, clear & calm for the 5th or 6th consecutive day. But I just feel worse & worse & can hardly work.

Sorry, but é a vida!

So sorry to hear you are still unwell. Sending you some TLC (tender loving care). I enjoyed your new photos on your picasa album. Doris and Florence looked to be enjoying themselves.
Take care
R xxx
That is one sad looking primate. :)I hope you feel better soon. The picture of the dolphins does look relaxing. It reminds me of when I was in the Navy. If you were near the front of the ship you could look over and see the dolphins racing the ship.
Also, this is a great blog you have here. I'll be back to visit. Peace~
Enjoyed your post and do take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon.
even though dolphins are cute and friendly .. there is a dark side to them too .. they tend to kidnap female dolphins of their herds .. and fight with other dolphins (kill them) just to show off their power .. and dolphins also travel in groups (as in gangs) ..
Hope you feel better soon, dear S.! Bjs
Sorry to hear you're not ok. I know it's easy to speak but... you gotta come up.
J'aime beaucoup cette photo de dauphins, elle est apaisante, comme on est apaisé quand on regarde un aquarium (ce n'est pas pour rien qu'il y a des aquariums dans les salles d'attente des hôpitaux en france et dans les maisons de retraite: pour destresser)
par contre, pauvre gorille, ils sont nos plus proches parents et quel traitement nous leur faisons subir, quand nous ne les menaçons pas d'extinction en détruisant leur habitat naturel
Dis moi, mile, rassure moi, tu ne te sens pas mal à ce point ?
quand on est mal, ça finit par passer
Hier, j'étais très mal et aujourd'hui,je vais très bien
je t'embrasse, passe une bonne journée Regarde bien ta belle photo de dauphins sur ton ordinateur pour te faire du bien
A caged monkey hey... you must feel bad. Hope you get over it quickly and get back in the water soon!
I love the dolphins. I have a great photo of R and A swimming with them.
hope you are feeling better.xx
Well, it seems you should have taken that rest a few days ago, already... so do it now! Stay at home, trat yourself to a warm mug of tea and some nice biscuits, grab a book, take a nap... As my grandmother used to day "soldado doente não faz serviço ao rei".
Loved your photo-album, but was unable to make comments there. But that's probably because I'm not used to photo-albums, I'll have to go there again. As to the last photos of the man polishing shoes, I liked the second one best.
Hope you get well soon.
But I love gorillas...
Hope you are feeling better today
Just found your comment on todays post. You have an eloquence and an understanding beyond bounds Thank you for your Millwall joy!
Entre rejas y libres. ES curioso que el más parecido al hombre se encuentre entre rejas...
Those dolphins are lovely - happy, and beautiful. I love the clear peaceful blue of the water. Poor gorilla - at least he is eating. Are you eating yet? GET WELL!
I liked the photo of King Kong.
I really like your blog...I hope you feel much better today.
Awwwww I think you need to break free
Gretta x
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