Sunday, August 06, 2006

Pastel de Nata & .......

This is the famous typically Portuguese little custard tart, the Pastel de Nata, before I sprinkled it with canela (cinnamon). One euro's worth of taste-bud heaven.

Couldn't you just bite lumps out of it?
Não é, Telma? Quiseste ver um destes num blog, e le voiçi! Magic!

Then, a split image of 2 iris in the Spring.
Inmacro, they both fascinate me. They are life, if only for a few short weeks.
And lastly, something completely different.
A child and an old man, strangers,unconnected with each other, divided by many decades of life, except that they share the same group of seats on the bus, become transfixed on the same object outside, probably the Loja do Cidadão (Citizen's Advice Centre) in Restauradores, downtown Lisbon.
And without their knowing or realising, they are bound together for eternity by my little camera. Posted by Picasa


Jenny said...

Hmmm - not the photos I was expecting but very interesting. I LOVE the purple flower - would love to see a full-size version of that! So sensual! I wish that giant bright spot wasn't in the photo of the old man and the girl on the bus, as it makes it harder to see him - what a great face! And as for the Pastel de Nata - send me one!!!!

Manuel Tendero Gil said...

hola unas fotos muy buenas un saludo

edwin s said...

I love those custards! They have them here, Portugese Egg Custards they call'em. So yummy!

Hmm...I've been thinking a lot about man/child/man lately too. Not that my mortality is something I worry about. It's know?

Nuno said...

Ora viva NM, só uma curiosidade, o pessoal cá em cima chama-lhe apenas nata.
"-Sai uma nata prá mesa do canto!"

Mar said...

Tu comentario en mi blog me ha resultado entrañable, muchas gracias...

...Y he visitado de inmediato el tuyo, por agradecimmiento, por educación y por curiosidad(cómo no ;)). Y me ha gustado ese paseo, y no es un cumplido. Me voy a estudiar yo bien Lisboa que todos me han dicho es tan hermosa y yo sin conocerla.

Jay Taber said...

What is a citizen's advice centre?

Manuel Tendero Gil said...

hola solo tienes que mirar en mis fotos en una estoy haciendo una serie en la Albufera veras el obgetivo un saludo

Icarus said...

Es decir, lo mismo con que tiraste la luna? Já ví la serie e deje un comment sobre ella (preciosa!) pero unebjeetivo? Volveré buscarlo, graçias!

P said...

miam!!! pastel de nata yo no he probado, pero se ve delicioso :) (se ve como la leche asada)
capturar la belleza de la vida efímera es un regalo, hermosos macro!
Las flores tienen de efímeras lo que el instante de encuentro del viejo y la niñita: es la vida trasncurriendo a pesar de nosotros mismos.

Icarus said...

Ok, wrap time & it's late at the end of a long Monday:
Olá Telma. olha, foste tu que inspirou este pastel de nata! E mais, diz, como que é para ver as tuas fotos?? Não consigo e quero!
Jenny, noone expects the spinquisition!! Re. thegiant light at the end of thebus, was unavoidable, because of achangeofdirection,butI must say I've grown to like it a lot.
Manuel, graçias otra vez. Todavia no encuentro el objectivo en la serié! 500mm? Mas? Menos?
Edwin, I have a feeling that's what they call 'em in England too, where they've become very popular! Shame they can't learn to colour their buildings from the Portuguese also! And yeah, I certainly DO know!
Nuno, isto não sabia, thanks. i'm going to try it out a few times down here & I'll let you know. Mind you, this VFX place has such a cruel pro-'Glorioso'[or O Escandaloso, as I prefer to call it) streak in it, portanto anti-Porto. Stupid. Small. & still thinking about your sublime pic today. You should have sold it Man!!!
Spartacus Hi & Welcome! I've never had the chance to address anyone by that name before, welcome & BTW,who are "we" that you refer to?
Citizens' Advice Bureau, as its called in the UK, is exactly what its name says. I only knowof it in the Uk & Portugal, but there must be other countries with something similar. I'll tell you about UK. Most cities, towns, localities have one, run by volunteer experts in sorting out anybody's problems/crises in just about any respect. E.G. Credit/Charge card companies breathing down your neck for arrears, they'll not only advise, butinterced on your behalf and arrange deals favourable to the debtor. In other words, they use their knowledge of the law to support, even save the little guy who knows nothing & is scared to death when the Authorities send in the rottweillers. Here in Portugal, you can go & arrange start ups/terminations of all the household utilities, passports ,etc, under one roof, instead of shlepping around all over the city. All in all, a wonderful, necessary institution. you have nothing like that?
Re. the bridges, I believe that it was no accident, the G.G. copy! The other connection is of course, the trams & the hills! Ithink you've seen Carlos' pic, butall of us Lis-bloggers have to do it, specially the #28! Romantic, cheap city tour on a working route.

Buenas, Mar (what a magical name!) e bienvenido! Estas tan acerca de aqui, por que no venir "in person"? Foi um prazer ler-te hoy!
Y Mlle P, puedes creer, ES delicioso! Asada, ma non troppo e con canela.Quero un já! Très très intéressant ce que t'as écrit dans ta dernière ligne. Moi, je suis ébloui par ton adresse atelierdesmots. L'image que ça me fait, extra! Mais tu sais déjà,je crois,que je te considère comme une
vraie artiste - mots et photos! Génial.
And once more, that's a wrap!

P said...

personne ne m'avait jamais dit avant (bon, mes parents...) "tu es une artiste!... je suis très flattée.. merci...