Sunday, August 06, 2006

Extras - Happy Birthday Bridge! (See main post below)

Because I wan't happy that the mosaic below always cuts the corners down, and because I don't know how to do all kinds of clever stuff, like linking within the text, or making the photos larger, I've added these shots of our beloved Ponte 25 de Abril at night.
Read all about it below. And feel free
to click on the images, at least!

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Icarus said...

For Carlos Caetano, Lis Weekly Photo:
Carlos, I am in shock over the anonymous comment I just read in LWP. I also read your reply and I admire your articulate, dignified words to deal with it.
But I can't believe it. Do you think it's Sisifo himself? A coward, whoever it is. I wondered why you didn't delete it.
But why did they only attack you? Pedro & I were also critical. Andwe all expressed apologies andasked him to reconsider.
And how did they find your blog so quickly? It is pure malice and perhaps you can defend yourself in some way through blogger. Moderating with word verification will probably not be enough. I think it is possible to stop all anonymous comments. Pelo menos se trata de um desafio de produzir imagens melhores que o amigo do anónimo!
I am really sick about it and really sorry for you.
My solidarity & um abraço. Força!!

Jenny said...

More drama!
Meanwhile, I like the picture with the moon best, by far. Sometimes less is more - you could have done with two pictures or three!
Here's how to link within text. Go to the edit html tab.
Find the text you want to be underlined (linked.)

In front of it type a little pointy bracket (above the comma, on qwerty keyboards)a href="full link including http" close bracket. (If I did it for real, you wouldn't see the text, you'd just see an actual link in this comment.) After the words you want to link, type pointy bracket /a close bracket. If you don't do this part, all the text following forever and ever will have the underline.

If this doesn't make sense, catch me on chat and I'll tell you again!

Carlos said...

Nowhere Man, thank you for your kind and encouraging words. Yes, I could stop anonymous comments or remove them but that wouldn't be fare, after all, my first one was anonymous too. But anyway, I really want to get better. I'm aware my picture may be a cliché and that the technique may not the best, but that's why I visit you, Nuno (Porto), Eric (Paris), Jenny and, now Portelini, every single day. I bought the camera 2 months ago, but I hope in 2 it'll learn to shoot better :)
BTW, great photos you have here. I love those taken at night.
Like "my tram", the San Andreas Fault and the hills, the bridge is another link between Lisbon and San Francisco.

Oleanderman said...

Boats, bridges, the moon - they're all you need! I love the sheen of the black-velvet water. Sumptuous!

Emmanuelle said...
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Emmanuelle said...

La nuit a une magie! Sans doute!

Icarus said...

Telma, ogrigadão para os 5 comentários, cada um de qual merece 5 beijocas!!!

Podes crer, vou ai ver tudo no Sangue Bárbaro [oh-oh! an itsy bitsy titsy witsy sinister..., esse nome! Cuidado, NWM!]


Caro Carlos, Pedro já teve uma ideia muito boa, acho eu. E Eu tambem, tenho um, mas é para mim asós concretizar. E Vamos vencer!!!

Neorelix, perfect summer nights following ferocious days!! Example: today is the final day of Portugal's equivalent of the Tour de France, with the finish line near the bridge behind that Monument to the Discoveries (2 weeks ago & on left in wide pic. of bridge at night with full moon). I saw a live TV report from there an hour ago & there is nobody visibly there, as it's impossible. The riders will race/crawl through my town about now & as I drove up 30 minutes ago, I could only see spectators lucky enough to find a little shade, which there isn't much of. Too hot even for me to contemplate taking pics of them. Shame. So, what more could we need? Plenty!
And my dear Jenny, drama? You can't imagine! It's now changing by the hour. Very serious. See tonight's post......

ana said...

Innit luvly? and I get to see it from my windows!

P said...

wow.. tremenda historia del puente.

me gusta el "cumpleaños feliz" en portugués Parabens à você ..en este día feliz, muchas felicidades, larara -larara... :)
Muy bonitas fotos de día y noche

Icarus said...

Graçias/Merçi/Obrigado/Parakalo/ & thank you.
That's from me, the Nowhere Man, not the Bridge.

I will not be Nowhere Man for very much longer, though, as you will learn shortly......