Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fashion Victim.......Absurd

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edwin s said...

The victim is the guy who insults this woman's taste in shoes! One kick and soprano doesn't even begin to describe it!

Thanks for the email and pics Stewart. Yup, we're both constrained by time. 2 days more and I'm off. Possibly no internet for days....

Icarus said...

I just had to come in now, mostly because the stitches I'm in from reading you Ed are nothing compared to that "Big Mouth Strikes Again" guy. I see a little dead falsetto of a man, Scaramouche!
Oh & re.time Ed:Yes-but-No-but-Yes-but-No-but-Yes-but....
Salut, Lorraine et sois bienvenue! [Québecquoise, c'est ça, non?] You mean you don't want a pair of these weapons of M.D.??

Ah, Telma, sabes, essa bruxa era a Rainha de todas as Tias!!!

Emmanuelle said...

J'ai des bottes dont les talons sont plus hauts que ceux en photo


P said...

moi aussi et comme j'adore regarder le monde d'en haut :)
(même si je ne suis pas petite hein)