Wednesday, August 16, 2006

John Dos Passos Wrote:

In December 1940, in the darkest of times of the 20th century, John Dos Passos, Portuguese-American writer, wrote:

"Our only hope will lie in the fragile web of understanding of each one person for the pain of another".

Since as long as I can remember, not only have I shared his view, but I have tried to live my life in accordance with the hope Dos Passos expressed. It will always be my way. Sometimes, the understanding must be backed up with greater, and more, action than others.

Now is such a time for me.

What we all do with our blogs, photos,comments, mails each day is a beautiful thing, a glimpse at what could be in the Brave New World that hath such magic and beauty, but so much greed, aggression, indifference, blindness & hatred in it.

Just keep on keeping on. It's a big place and a small place. We are not all the same, thankfully. As the French saying goes: "Vive la différence!". Our blogs reveal our immense cultural diversity, but we listen,read,think and learn. With openness, we can embrace and exchange, and so grow. Together; Celebrating both what we have in common and what makes us different, without it dividing us or setting us against each other.



Run Around Paris said...

Beautifully stated.

ana said...

I've come to learn that, as Blanche DuBois, it's good to rely on the kindness of strangers.

Oleanderman said...

I'm very sorry that events are unfolding in such a distressing manner N-M. Sadness and hardship do, of course, come to us all at times and with solidarity we all wish you all the best in a real hope that situations that can get fixed will and those that can't will ebb gently from the heart. Purely selfishly - that circumstances should rob us of your blogging attendance is a very great shame. Many of us don't comment much beyond the 'great shot!' for lack of inspiration and/or reticence but you are the vanguard for me and, I'm sure, many others in your sincerity and empathy when checking out our posts. I'm new here but you've made me feel at home and at ease. If you go, rest assured, you'll be sorely missed. Now - Shelly and Jane, you are both clearly far too wise to have been foolish enough, even at that tender age, to have had ANYthing to do with me...;p

Emmanuelle said...

J'adore vos photos! Je les aime de plus en plus!!!


Nuno said...

John Dos Passos was right, unfortunely many don't realise this, but not you Stewart, in the small period we visited each other i saw you have a deep pure view of what is living with and for the others. I'm sure you'll support who needs you now, including yourself!
Força amigo!

P said...

las diferencias nos enriquecen y no hay que temerles.
Siempre hay un camino nunca recorrido, una historia ignorada, una respuesta desconocida, un lugar que se escapa.
now & here is the only one place where we all are.
on montre sa diversité et ses rêves à travers ce langue sans mots. nos photos sont nos traductrices.
sometimes silence is a gift.

Anonymous said...

here, here Stewart! Good sentiment. Love the shot with the oranges, and also the long corridor with light at the end. Well done.

Anonymous said...

"Our only hope will lie in the fragile web of understanding of each one person for the pain of another"....such deep and true words. Very inspiring as you are as well here in this amazing blog. I`m glad I found it :)
