How to do justice to this event through a typically perfect late-July weekend of weather and with space for so few photos
? Just try, using one mosaic, that's how.
These weekends are often the best of the summer here. The intense clear luminosity you can see. Can you feel the late-afternoon/early evening warmth, tuned to perfection by a very slight cooling breeze from the ocean? Nobody wants to go home, or be inside, so what could be better than to head for this particular area of the rejuvenateddocks to see 75 tall ships from all over the world in town for 4 days before racing on down to Cádiz, Spain?
The ships
were all open for visits and on Saturday afternoon, 1000s arrived to take up the offer from 6 to 9 p.m. You can see some of the line to cross the pedestrian bridge to get to the largest ships. I had no patience for that, preferring to walk & talk with Portelini, watching, shooting pics.
Sometimes we'd come across groups of immaculately-uniformed sailors from the most prestigious ships, like the ones in the top-left pic - Italian I think. Reminded me instantly of an old English song of the 1920s (no, not personally!): "All the nice girls love a sailor..."
And after, it was just perfect to climb the ancient steps up to the terrace of the Museo de Arte Antiga, where this cool temporary open-air bar had been set up for the best nights of the year, until the August holiday exodus empties the city. Great atmosphere, great view down on to the port, all those masts and the sun taking its leave into the Atlantic.
Come back soon friends & see what the unforgettable departure of the ships next day looked like........
PS - after all that, i discover Blogger can't handle it & has spoiled the last photo. The missing half shows other people sitting & chatting over their drinks. Care-free summer. Pity, butyou can at least see the view beyond. Sorry folks! I'm upset & going into a sulk now.grrrrrr!!
Ok, Ok,
Here I am!!!!
So, you brits just can't miss a sail, eh???
Indeed very, very nice ships. The real pleasure of sailing. Sublime!
Fritag lunch then. 12:30.
Cheers, mate
I've been following the Lebanon mess...
Finalmente, porra!
Seja bem vindo! Don'tforget to come back for the sequel. didn't you go to see it?
And that's booked, Friday lunch, see you there!
I do not know if I am a nice girl but I fell in love with a sailor!
Salut et merci pour votre visite!
Vous avez dit que mon récit vous avait rappelé de votre jeunesse...
Ne me dites pas que vous avez aimé une femme mariée :)
Je crois que chacun au fond de son âme reste jeune pour toujours malgré son âge :)
Well, very good shots. I'd say i love them because it is a very broad view of the event, congratulations!
Marjan, that's just perfect!!
Emmanuelle, je te remercie aussi pour ta visite, sois bienvenue toujours. À mon égard, pas mal (souligné!)d'histoires, plutôt d'observations de près de ce que tu traverses actuellement.
Je voudrais t'envoyer les paroles d'une chanson très belle en ce wui concerne ton "jeune pour toujours malgré son âge" de.....Frank Sinatra. Elle est entrée dans ma tête du brouillard il y a quelques mois, elle est sortie à peine après que je l'imprime d'un download. Si tu es capable de comprendre cette chanson en anglais, je te l'offriré bientôt, d'accord? Et mes photos, te plaisent ou pas?
Sorry Mr carried away, writing in French for the 1st time in ages! It's such a small snapshot of Saturday, really. AndI'm not happy with Blogger for doing that to #3!!
Me voilà, je suis rentrée afin que je puisse lire ta réponse. Eh, l'amour, l'amour... :)
Je parle angalais aussi et merci pour m'avoir offert ce texte.
J'aime vos photos et surtout celles de la mer. J'adore la mer!!
Soyez le bienvenu aussi
Alors, vas chercher dans mes archives, Friday June 30, si tu adores la mer!
yo fui novia de marino jajaja y mi novio recalaba en los puertos con su uniforme inmaculado y las chicas... bueno, ellas hacían "lo suyo", supongo...
me gustan las fotos, los colores, los veleros reposando en el muelle :)
saludos y gracias por tu visita,
Finally, more shots fo the regatta!
yeah, Blogger's been a bugger lately and I'm tempted to buy a proper domain. also toying with the idea of leaving dailyphoto. i like taking pictures and want to share as much as I can. the city sights alone can be quite stiffling and I get restless easily. who wants another tourist brochure, innit?
you know, if you didn't mention the last photo, I would've thought the ladies were sitting behind a fence of some sort.
Looks like so much fun! It's a very impressive sight and clearly everyone there thought so. The temptation to stowaway must be quite strong...
Wow SUPERBE! Je viens de trouver, superbe!!! La mer furieuse
Bravo! Je n'ai rien d'autre à ajouter
Merci pour ce texte. Oui j'ai compris, c'est ce que j'ai dit: "On tous reste jeunes au fond de l'âme..."
Bonne nuit et journée!
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