I had to come back in here one last time.
There was something I had wanted to say, throught the first 3 of these photos, which were all shot 15 days ago.
Then, I need to thank all of the people who have come, either here or other via another photo-site that has nothing to do with blogging, but who are doing their best to sustain me just the same.
Pequete,thank you, with love. But you have something that has inspired me far more, I believe, than I could ever inspire anyone. You have a commitment with tomorrow. The way that you are raising your little ones offers more hope and possibility for the world's well-being than anything I have been able to do for a long time.
How could I not feel actually saddened, besides moved, by your responses to me, through all of the past 12 months, and now in particular? I have difficulty understanding how or why people who hardly know me can be so good to me.
But this is August 2007 and not a year ago, when I had strength for the purpose that we were living 24 hours every day, and that had brought me to this town.
To rub it in, August has long been a month of very meaningful anniversaries. A month of dates to remember. That only adds to the struggle. I need a lighter, clearer mind, first and foremost. 35 to 40ºC doesn't help much.
This PS is to tell you a thought I had, in the garden of Estrela, after spending some time with the friendly black swan, until she took ker rest (as in the photo), in a pose that made me think of the ballet to Chaikovsky's music. And then the butterfly that settled on my left leg and asked me to carry it home with me.
I suddenly saw this:
In the true beauty of nature is the true nature of beauty.
That is the thought with which I have to close this page and this book.
And to echo the identical names of the two old boats at the end: A Deus..........Goodbye, "Time and a Word". You have been so good to me and have helped me along by opening your door to the very special people that can still be found in this world, who demonstrate the true nature of beauty. This is all I could want.
I wish you the best of health, sweetness, expanding horizons, growth and fulfilment. I wish you enwrapped always by the warmth of loved ones, freedom from trauma and turbulence.
I wish you rasberry or mango sorbet on hot summer evenings.
Bless us all
******** ***********
Saturday, August 04, 2007
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The door opened both ways! Your wishes I wish back to you Stewart with "love as big as the sky".
As we say here "Bless 'em all."
Usaully referring to people in some sort of distress :)
We could both sell tickets........
Thank you S., for the time and the words you shared with us all this time. And Ruth is right - doors open both ways, always!
A fitting and loving post to close the book, so to speak, of Time and a word Stewart. Like all good things that we value and have meaning for us it will be remembered in our hearts xx Auds
You aren't extinguished Stewart - only moved. I've enjoyed the spark of beauty that is you - I wish you everything good from now until the end. Take care.
You write: "In the true beauty of nature is the true nature of beauty." - how perfect.
Dear friend, one of the best friends I've ever had and I have. I'm coming back and you are leaving! Well, I guess this is part of the circles of life.
Wherever you are, wherever you go, I'll be waiting to see that door opening again. I love you so much.
Thank you for being you
Analia, you won't believe it and to me it is incredible, but I was only thinking of you this morning!
Much has changed, not for the better and I am trying to write a kind of diary on "The Flames". i was just posting youtubes there of muisic that I had sent in CDs to Ruth, Jenny & Auds 3 or 4 days ago (any more orders?).
Somehow, they have provided the perfect musical soundtrack to much that I have done here and talked about & shown in T & A W.
I'm still stunned, after wondering about you just a few hours ago. It is good to know you are apparently doing well. I do hope so, at least.
Mis besitos y pido desculpas, si te sientes 'enganada'por mi caida. Está muchíssimo mal, te garanto.
"In the true beauty of nature is the true nature of beauty."
that's a beautiful farewell present to us, we'll keep it preciously my friend...
all the best to you dear
nice post
nice one
Cher ami, je rentre de vacances et c'est pour trouver chez toi porte close et ces deux derniers magnifiques messages
Ainsi j'aurai l'éternité dis tu pour les lire ?
Et ces belles photos que tu nous laisses
Qui est capable de réussir une aussi jolie fleur blanche sinon toi ?
PS : Marguerite c'est mon autre surnom, Marguerite a un blog jardin et ne commente plus
[Je fais exception pour toi aujourd'hui]
Elle ne sait pas faire d'aussi belles photos que toi de fleurs et si elle publie de temps en temps c'est sans grande conviction
Je t'embrasse et reviendrai tranquillement te lire plus tard...
Lucie / Cergie / Marguerite
Cher Icarus, c'est surprenant que tu sois passé ce soir me voir.
J'étais pas très en forme, je me disais "j'ai plus envie de blogguer", ça me prend trop de temps (en ce moment, je ne m'en sors pas) et j'ai pas de belles photos à mettre. Alors j'ai regardé et préparé quelques photos que j'avais...
Et je revois ce papillon noir et blanc et orange sur ton message, j'ai exactement préparé le même papillon ce soir et je ne sais d'ailleurs pas quand et si je vais le publier...
Ton passage m'a fait beaucoup, beaucoup de bien, comme un petit miracle inattendu. Merci...
J'espère que toi, tu vas bien...
"Beauty is truth and truth beauty;
That is all ye know on earth -
And all ye need to know."
Do you agree with those sentiments?
I don't know if you know me, but I'm a friend of Ruth and Audrey
And Mousie actually I didn't even see her comment up there
Hey thanks for your message yesterday I am glad I made some difference to someone's day ;->...
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