Friday, May 25, 2007

An Afternoon in the City of My Dreams

Wednesday 9th May, a rare foray.
Bathed in a beautifully unhumid 29ºC/84ºF, from train to underground to streets, to bus to friends to José Manuel, my old mate of a hairdresser to my beloved Gulbenkian garden, like in a dream, warming my heart.
And - as ever - a camera and an 'olhar estrangeiro': the eyes of a stranger, seeing everything & everyone, hungry & thirsty and wondering and rejoicing and drinkinng it all in.
Like in Rua Portas de Sant'Antão, the senses attracted by the huge red fruits, with the sign: "Good Strawberies of Palmela":

And the grocer with reasons to look satisfied:

And the family of ducks in the pond ringed by yellow iris:

And the ancient wall in a quiet street, with the creeping orange flowers, reaching up to the sky beyond the jacarandá trees.

A too-rare foray into the city of my dreams.
It is good to share these "small fragments of life" observed. If you like what I see and have seen, just keep coming. I'm mostly just going to post pictures in the next few days. And let the images do the talking.
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talj said...

Oh my, what lovely strawberries!! Great images :o) {{{HUGS}}} x

Audrey said...

A life giving post Stewart and a gift, the invitation to journey with you into the city of your dreams, so peaceful yet colourful. Thank you

Pat said...

Ohh, I'd love to have those strawberries to eat right now! I have some fresh whipping cream in the refrigerator too!

My PAD and
Guelph Daily Photo

RUTH said...

Very, very deep sigh..............

Mauigirl said...

Beautiful pictures in these posts, thanks so much for posting them.

photowannabe said...

Stewert, I will keep coming back to look at your "small fragments of life" the pictures are like a mosaic that makes a wonderful scene when finished.

Icarus said...

Belated - I think you know why - but I wanted you all to know just how grateful I am for your comments on this riot of colour. Such delicious strawberries. The shop sells itself too short with just "good"!

Cergie said...

Les orange flowers sont des capucines et tu peux en mettre quelque unes dans la salade, c'est très bon et joli en plus