Saturday, December 02, 2006

Putting it to Bed

Hi! Yes, that's me waving hi on the left.
The 3 pictures were taken last Wednesday afternoon, and my best present came from Mother Nature, in the form of a perfect day's weather. In England, my birthday would usually be marked by cold/wind/rain/fog/snow & some years, plans were ruined.
I have worked out that I have 6 different means of communication at my disposal, including real, personal, face to face & 2 types of phone. his year, all 6 have brought so much good will that I have been overwhelmed to respond (I was away from computer for almost 2 days also). So, this is for the following whose wishes came through this medium, a Mile/Stepping/Rolling Stone that is Time and a Word.You are, in chronological order:meg-darkdarling-nikon-analia-m-kajo-photowannabe-ruth-carole-cergie-miss P-stephenbess-jenny-pequete-terry-louz-papalagui.
Others from this blog community who arrived by e-mail have already been 'dealt with', so to speak. And no, nobody was late, not in my view! Impossible.
A special thanks to Louz, because it has been so many months from Tucson! Beautiful.
Ventura looked into the distance, put on his big knowing smile & said: "56...what a lovely age!" As I said before, I love the guy!

Now, this is all I can do. It is Saturday afternoon, I must get back to work, determined to finish the first phase of my current assignment by lunchtime tomorrow. The weather is helping immensely. Then, it will be back to Sintra & then Lisbon's Christmas. It's all building nicely.

But first, for Pequete, another of my interminable biological questions: Why are these birds (1 & 4 in the first picture) known locally as corvos de marinha (correct?), if they have nothing to do with the corvid family? In English, they are cormorants. That's my 'tag' back to you!!
Touched & blessed. Thank you all! Have a great what's-left-of-the-weekend!

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photowannabe said...

Like the birds, Cormorants, and your shadow pole, nice focal point.

Cergie said...

Tu vois, mile, cette photo avec l'envol des oiseaux (des mouettes ?) c'est la plus belle de la série que tu m'as envoyée, je trouve
Parce que les oiseaux font un triangle en s'envolant, c'est superbe
Et puis il n'y a pas d'élément humzin trop visible, à peine des toutes petites silhouettes à l'horizon
Cela ne veut pas dire que les autres ne sont pas belles, non
Mais celle là est particulièrement belle

AnaGF said...

I want to kill blogger! I've written all this before!
Corvos-marinhos, that's what they're called. And I'm sorry, but I've no idea where the name comes from! My guess is that we Portuguese having no birdwatching tendency or tradition, but being generally practical (or rather "desenrascados"), we just gave these big back marine birds the obvious name: literally, sea-raven. In fact, most birds have no common name in Portuguese, in the sense that they're not known by any particular name by common people. The so called "common names" where - most of them - invented by scientists. In some parts of the country, people just say that "pássaro voadoiro, com ele ao caçoilo!" - now is this being practical or what?

Icarus said...

Bonsoir Cergie! C'est comme ça. le premier et le quatrième sont des cormorans, les deux autres entre eux sont des mouettes. Je les ai etudiés là au bord de la rivière et je peux te dire que les 2 éspeces, quoique différents, s'entendent très bien les uns aux autres. Il paraît qu'ils sont très contents de rester tous mélangés. Pour moi, la chose la plus incroyable - ce qu l'on voit parfaitement dans cette photo - est cette façon de s'envoler tous les quatre ensemble, les 2 éspeces! Autre différence: les cormorans ont beaucoup plus mal à l'aise que les mouettes auprès des humains. Aux approches du groupe, petit à petit, très calme, très patient, j'ai su déjà que je n'aurais qu'une seule chance à prendre la photo que je visais - l'envol,surtout avec cet petit appareil. Et oui, enfin j'ai eu de la vaine, et c'est aussi ma préférée. En effet, après, já coupé cette prise dans l'appareil pour faire encore 4 prises, plus close-up des 1ier trois oiseaux, puis les dernier trois, le dernier tout seul, etc. La prochaine fois que j'aurai du temps et du soleil (le lever du sol?), j'irai essayer de les capter en détail plus grand. Ils ont de très jolis têtes, becs et cous longs! Je suis d'accord avec toi et ça me fait plaisir que tu l'aimes aussi! Bisoux.

Icarus said...

Good evening Madame photowannabe! We had this thing going here 3 or 4 weeks ago about Olympic Long-Shadow jumping events. I have a collection of 5 or 6 of this community who have entered themselves in the competition (you are welcome to join in if you such a pic - singles, doubles, whatever you like -as I have left it open). When I saw myself framed against that buoy thing, I couldn't resist it, although it was still too early to be super-long. So, off-competition.
Grateful for that kind of explanation Pequete......Oh dear!! But now I can get Terry Duff to come in and read you, as she had told me that cormorants are not in the corvid family. I knew that, but when the local fishermen told me the Portuguese name, I translated that to Terry and forgot to mention that they are cormorants. Beautiful in flight and swimming, a bit stupid on land and taking off & landing, aren't they? As for 'pássaro voadoiro etc'...well, just LOL!

Icarus said...

PS, Pequete, even more grateful, as I know that feeling when Blogger fancies eating it all. Don't you just want to throw it out of the window?:-)

Meg said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of you waving, and I'm smittened by Ventura. (You can tell him that!) I'd love to have someone in my life with an outlook on life like his.

darkdarling said...

Alles Gute !!
I like the first picture, nice shot!
Thanks very much of your comments about my works and words, it means a lot to me indeed.

Have a nice weekend.
Will see you around from cyberworld.

darkdarling said...
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Anonymous said...

Quick update for you. FA Cup 3rd round draw; Spurs away to Cardiff City.
Hope you've had a good weekend. Like the shadow wave.

Anonymous said...
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Cergie said...

Bisoux, prince des cormorans et des mouettes !

Anonymous said...

Mile, according to my expert, the English word “cormorant” comes from the Latin words
"corvus" and "marinus" which means “sea crow.” So the Portuguese term is more technically accurate than the English!