Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sintra! In Autumn!

Every other photo-blogger in the Northern Hemisphere has shown pictures of the unfolding autumn where they live. Except me.

It occurred to me that I should put that right.
What is more, it is time to put another omission right. It is time I took you to Sintra!

Sintra and autumn go together perfectly. This town, enwrapped in its own Sintra hills 15 miles (25 kms) from Lisbon, is like no other place that I know in Portugal. Oddly, it has always reminded me of the part of London I used to live in,my favourite district of Hampstead, for many reasons.

Sintra is palaces, parks, hills, the unexpected, the mysterious, picturesque, poetic, historic, majestic. The micro-climate makes it greener, more humid than anywhere else in the Lisbon region.
These pictures were all taken in November, as I love to go and wander around on quiet days, particualrly Mondays, when there are almost no tourist buses. In the next posts, I hope to show you some more that this wonderful, beautiful town and area has to offer.
So, Lisbon looks gives way to Sintra Looks for a while!

A PS - I apologise to everyone whose blogs I am not leaving comments on much these days. I am still not so well and I am under great pressure of time, with too much to do. I try to visit as much as I can, but it is difficult at the moment. As Des´Ree famously sang: "Life, oh Life, oh Life, oh Life..Do-Do-Do-Do". Exactly.
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Anonymous said...

Oh, lovely! Especially the high wall shot! Now I know what Sintra means!
Bye for a few days - probably will be on email only briefly till Saturday night - Ohio, HO!

Cergie said...

Ne t'excuse pas, mon ami de ne pas laisser autant de commentaires que tu voudrais sur les blogs
Tes commentaires sont toujours généreux, tu comprends, je pense que chaque fois que tu passes chez moi, tu laisses au passage un peu de ton énergie vitale
Cette énergie, tu en as besoin aussi pour toi, pour ta vraie vie
Alors passe quand tu peux, tu seras toujours bien reçu mais surtout, économise toi un peu je te prie

J'aime beaucoup les deux photos encadrées par des branches, je les vois sur mozzilla et je suis arrivée par internet exploreur, alors elles ne se présentent pas de la même façon
disons que ce sont les deux photos les plus sombres (point de vue coloris, pas point de vue ambiance)

bonne journée mile, porte toi bien
PS: ma fille est à la maison et nous partageons l'ordinateur, alors je ne fais pas toujours ce que je veux comme avant, c'est pourquoi j'ai mis un commentaire expliquant que provisoirement je ne répondrai plus aux commentaires (compliqué comme explication, non ?)

Anonymous said...

A real vibrant Autumn day can be so invigorating. I think it is one of the things that I sometimes miss here: the comforting four seasons of my childhood. beautiful pix of a beautiful place.

Stephen A. Bess said...

Beautiful images! I will have to link you under my photo heading. Peace to you brother and enjoy.

Icarus said...

My Dearest 'Miss P', I am thinking of you,urging you on and up, while I sit here working with this new enchantment of a new Beatles album filling my headphones and my head straight off the internet.
All I want to say is from Dylan: "Take the rag away from your eyes; now ain't the time for 'our' tears". Bless you & FORÇA!!

Lucie, je te remerçie, moi aussi, je t'ai entendu et je t'ai compris. Profites-y de la visite familiale!

Stephen, hello again! Mutual, mutual.

Meg said...

I like the way you kind of gave us a sneak preview of the palace (?) roof over the gray roof - and I love the angle of the gray roof in front! You really need Jenny's grandma's chicken soup! But but but.... you haven't been Lisbon Looks for a while...

Icarus said...

Nice one, Meg! You are correct re. L-L. I only look whenever I can. And very astute. Listen, I forgot to urge you to click on Pequete in prev. post. Apart from all her other fine qualities, she is a wonderful illustrator. There, you will find a post she did because of my '3-legged men'with an illustration of the pauliteiros doing their thing, so to speak.
In fact, I recommend Pequete's bi-lingual blog highly to everyone!

Meg said...

You're absolutely right - now that look a lot more action-packed than your skirt-wearing boys in floral scarves and leg warmers! What a fantastic artists. I'm bookmarking hers right now.

Mar said...

¿Se te abrió un abismo en el blog?:)

Icarus said...

Mar, tienes razón! Me daba cuenta dello ayer. Creo que tiene a ver con el template, no obstante no se como resolverlo, ni atrevessar este abismo. No es dulce!

People, does anyone know how to get rid of this wide gap that's opened up to the right of here???

Anonymous said...

Now I'm no expert but the gap is in fact your side bar; it doesn't show as being different from your post area as they are the same colour. You need to customize your settings so that less posts show thereby reducing the length of your post area; and then it won't look so stark. Or I think? you can customise so that your posts only show a couple of lines and visitors click to see the rest of the post;not sure how that works with all your photos though. I'm sure some expert visitor will make it all clearer. In fact you should probably ignore everything I've just!!! I wish I could manage to put text in beside my photos as you do!!!!!
Thanks for your comments on the revamped blog
P.S. Until I put my glasses on I thought this post was about Sinatra!!!

Anonymous said...

l-o-v-e-l-y pics! ;;)

Nikon said...

A beautiful series of shots MS, a beautiful place, you're very lucky.
Hope you feel better.

Cergie said...

Bonsoir encore, mile

Ton blog est terriblement sans dessus dessous, c'est vrai
Alors si tu n'as rien fait pour cela, comme je crois que tu n'as pas de bricolage spécial (liens, compteurs and so on), le mieux est de refaire: modèle, selectionner et de choisir de nouveau un modèle pour supprimer ce truc que tu ne veux pas et revenir à quelque chose de normal !

Allez, bonne soirée
(Ton blog sans dessus dessous est peut être comme ça pour se mettre à l'unisson de son auteur qui en ce moment est un peu sans dessous dessus, non ????)

ahaha !
Salut !

Analía said...

Lovely pictures MS, who knows if one day I'll be able to take a walk around Sintra with you my friend....anyway,I will have to take my high heels, you have very very long legs now I remember!! LOL Thanks for opening the doors of your beautiful place to all of us.

AnaGF said...

Oh, I just loved these ones!! Lots of good memories of the time L. and I were dating, Sintra was one of the places we hanged around a lot! Plus the delicious queijadas de Sintra, and the travesseiros! We have to go there soon!