These pictures are part of the fruitful afternoon. It is a photographic story, which I invite you cordially to go and see in my web-album:
You will find this album titled:"A Walk from Martires da Pátria to Rossio". PLEASE GO SEE, you can also leave comments. It is a good, useful extension to this blog, which frankly, has its limits. 4 photos are not always enough.
There are other public albums in the space, which you are also invited to look into. Let me know what you think.

I love love love your latest album! I did not see any place to comment however. It looks like you have some streets comparable to San Francisco - i.e. steep! The buildings are quaint all stuck together. I also love the black and white one with the elderly lady in it. So expressive! What a lovely city. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Lovely shots. I especially liked the second last one in this group - with the bright red jacket. Also loved the stroll down Oasis-Jardim das Amoreiras very much. I do love photos of the elderly - the woman walking and the man drinking at the water fountain. Serendipitous. Now time to get my but on the loom bench, seriously!
Terry, thanxthanxthanx! I just checked it out and in fact, you can only comment on individual pictures in the albums, after clicking on the pic, a dialogue box appears underneath. now, re S.F............wait a moment!
Meg, I just knew you'd find it serendipitous. And you have one for me...I just noticed your new ID photo!! Great! It's the one I was planning to use when I can gather all of the shadows together for a reunion (who knows when? My time has gone mad!)
Wonderful album and these four are very nice old man. Hope you get well soon :)
Mile, anouschka est d'accord, je vais lui envoyer ton mail et elle t'enverra son ombre
Je suis désolée que tu sois malade. Dis toi qu'un bon rhume en début de saison endurcit pour le reste de la mauvaise période d'hiver, tu te constitues des anticorps, là; et tu échapperas sans doute à la grippe
Superbes tes photos, lisbonne semble très valonnée
Cela me fait penser à certains coins de paris
Ma tante faisait comme toi
Elle prenait, elle, le bus jusqu'au terminus de la ligne quand elle habitait paris; et elle revenait à pied
ma tant a 87 ans maintenant, elle peut plus faire ça, autrement qu'en rêve
Bonne journée, mon ami
Soigne toi bien
You've got me hooked on your photos. Have had to add you to my Picasa favourites list.
very nice to seee all the pictures in the google web.
I loved the first picture in the blog with the 2 people wonderful!!!
All the best with your health
I'm back with some herbal tea, the old sweet lady would like some as well..I 'm sure you'd like to invite her, and the couple as well , and the birds...
let's have a nice break in the sunshine on picture one...
see you dear and I feel so much better....
I love your first picture in the blog... What can I say? It's simply amazing my friend...
Don't forget to get better!
excellent ideia I`ve got to make the same really is an excellent complement for blog
My Dear Friends, I really think that this picasa web album gallery is a big advance for me. Yes, it takes a really long time to upload & then to add my comments, but it feels like a real step forward. For me, because I almost always have more than the 4 pics that the blog allows me to transfer from my picasa2 albums. People know that I often find myself writing a fair bit about what I post, but often there is a photo-story that can't be told here.
And for anyone who visits and who really likes photography and has the time to look at a web album, I think it is an advantage for you. The feedback in your comments says it all, that is real encouragement and I appreciate your responses.
Ruth, I was delighted to discover that you are also doing this. And Arturcampos no Porto, agrade-me ler o teu comentário, pois mostra que deve ser uma boa ideia.
Mousie, I'm so glad. We are both better! It's those teas, whatever we put in them!
Cergie, c'est vrai, je connais des coins içi que ressemblent invraisemblablement à Paris, mais autres à Venise ou autres villes anciennes italiennes. Alors quand est-ce que tu vas nous passer une visite? Pour terminer, en ce qui concerne ta tante, une chose curieuse mais vraie: mardi dernier, j'y suis arrivé à l'improviste. J'ai pris le premier autobus que s'est arrêté et je suis allé jusqu'au terminus - Campo dos Martires da Pátria. Juste comme elle!
Best wishes for a beautiful peaceful weekend to all!
The pictures, the albums were wonderful. I love these visits...yes, it feels like visiting other places beyond my small world. I hope your weekend is as beautiful and your heart is. Hugs and smoochies..
I really like your first picture in this post. Fantastic cityscape view. Your web album is wonderful, too.
Hope you are feeling better soon if you aren't already.
Are we all invited? What shall we do? What shall we eat? Bring out all the bells and whistles!!! (Can I bring the Barry Manilow CD?)
Hola Mile, tu web album es una estupenda colección de magnificas fotos, me encanta sobre todo cómo logras captar esa luz del ambiente, enhorabuena.
MEG!!! You are HOT! But how did you latch on to that? Ed's?
You bring the Manilow & I can guarantee I'll jump on it. Now calom down, calm down! It might not even happen! Especially as I feel so ill tonight.
Oliviah, if it can really do that for you, then I am one happy sick-dude! Bless you.
Marjan, Carlos & Tim:I just must say that I'm intrigued by your appreciation of Pic.1. I like the contrast of the colours, but I thought there were better of that view from up there.
And nobody noticed the pigeon camouflaged as a leaf in Pic 4?
How sick are we talking about here - do you need a FedEx overnight of my famous chicken soup? I've recently improved my grandma's ancient recipe, since I can't get chicken feet here, it was never quite as rich as hers, so I found some new secret techniques and ingredients. It can't miss! And... I take it you are a Sagittarius?
Oh, the photos - I like the walking tour approach, as you know (I've done many, though not recently) - among other things it reduces the pressure to find the ONE perfect photo, and gives a wonderful sense of the whole sweep and context of a day/place/event. By the way check out this amazing photographer my mom has told me about - she's what I aspire to be: http://www.karenmarshallphoto.com/projects/.
Jenny, that's exactly how sick we are talking. It's now much later than this particular post, Sunday evening. I've pushed myself all day and accomplished all my objectives. My chicken soup ran out on Friday, so a FedEx hamper of yours would be so very welcome, if they could be here in the next 90 minutes. I want my MOM!!!! Karen M will have to wait.
......................What's a Sagittarius?
Sagittarius - the sign of the zodiac for people born in late November - late December. It's "the archer." According to Wikipedia (I have a funny story about that phrase): Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a dynamic, ethical, humorous, generous, open-hearted, compassionate, and energetic character, but one which is also prone to pridefulness, foolishness, impulsiveness, impracticality, and superstition.
Mmmmmmmm-nope. That's not me, who defies categorisation. Too old!
I will accept Vegettarian, at least today. When will I start getting better instead of worse. Yesterday, I wanted my Mom; today, I'd settle for anyone's mom.....
Which phrase "the Archer", or Wikipedia? And what's wrong with the post following this one???
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