Saturday, October 21, 2006

A Quiet Saturday, Working in Lisbon

Empty, rain-threatened Lisbon, empty economics faculty, except for the Vice-Rector & me. Constructive, undisturbed work , with an enjoyable lunch and welcome deep discussion in between. On our way back up the Calçada de Estrela - no cars, only 28 trams - I took these pictures of the spectacular fruit display. They always do these displays, but this was the best ever. Bunches of perfect green & red grapes, bananas, onions & lemons.

After the work, I found this little brown thing next to the lantana bushes.

Now for tomorrow. Here, bad storms expected, but it's a major football derby day in Europe: Real Madrid v Barcelona, Manchester United v Liverpool, Sporting Lisbon v FC Porto and my Spurs v West Ham (all-london grudge match). So I'll work, go to a funeral and root for Spurs (& maybe Detroit Tigers ...:))

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Anonymous said...

Oh, THOSE spurs, of course! Well, go Spurs! When you use Picasa, do you ever do any tuning? Your lizard could use a little color correction and contrast tweaking, in my opinion! I LOVE the grape shots, especially the top one.

Cergie said...

Quelle différence entre la photo des immeubles et celle des fruits !
Quelle générosité dans ces étals de fruits !
J'aime bcp ces photos de boutiques.

Le petit lézard: tu sais qu'un lézard que tu attrappes par la queue la perd et ensuite elle repousse, mais cela uniquement une seule fois. Elle ne repousse qu'une seule fois.

Tim Rice said...

I love your grape pictures; they beautiful! The lizard is neat, too. :)