Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Well done Clarisse! Your very first day today.

Here's a lot of colour to show you what this world can bring you. They are called flowers, or as your mum, dad, brother Tantie Tissie and grandparents are going to teach you to say: bloemetjes.

And these are birds dancing in the morning sunlight for you!
Nice, eh?

Get these two as large as you can by clicking on them.
View them in the dark. As they were side-lit by the still-low sun, they glow, kind of.
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Oliviah said...

What brilliant colours those flowers have. Absolutely beautiful, looking at these felt like taking a drink of some delicious nectar. And I love the pigeons. They are considered a terrible nusiance here, city buildings have bronze hawks on the tops of them to try to scare them (and their droppings!) away. But they are here to stay. They have so many colours, often I wish I had a camera handy. But I have a pet pigeon of my own. He is an English Trumpeter, or so I am told. What personality, he has made himself best friends with one of my cats, it is fun to watch them wrestle. I hope your day is a good one!

Cergie said...

Oh ! Yes !
So nice !
And I'm really a flower person, you know.
Have a good day, dear friend.
Don't worry, be happy.

Meg said...

They DO glow - and I love the water. But it's a bit unnerving for me, because I'm a wee bit uneasy with birds... OK, I don't like big birds, or lots of birds... OK, I hate walking under LOTS of birds, and I'm glad I wear glasses so they can't come straight at me and dig out my eyeballs. (I must have seen something like this in a movie somewhere... I don't remember. Hitchcock didn't have eye-gouging, did he?)

Anonymous said...

Clarisse is not old enough to say thank you for the welcome message, yet. But she seems to be quite happy to be here and her brother even more so.
I do wish they were mine though...Alas, auntship is my fate and auntie also likes flowers. One day, when she's rich, there will always be flowers around.
"Dank je wel voor de bloemetjes"!

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the one with the building all aglow - though they're all spirit-lifting.

Anonymous said...

ohhh cool .. so much color .. i love the birds in flight .. a good capture .. it's the air and not the wings that let's them fly :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new arrival, and welcome! A trio of delights her, all lovely shots, well done!

Emmanuelle said...

Red is the best for me

Carlos said...

Welcome Clarisse.
Thank you for sharing your joy and these beautiful captures with us.

Icarus said...

Yes, real flowers and their real colours.
Oliviah, I want to see a viseo of your English trumpeter wrestling with the cat! Please!!
Flower-person Cergie? Moi aussi.
Meg, Hitchcock's "The Birds" did feature gouged-out eyes. It must have given you a phobia. But would you watch Oliviah's pigeon wrestling with her cat?
Miss P, why HELLO AT LAST!
Jenny, agree, there is something about the way the low sun almost sets the buildings there on fire.
Nabeel, that's a good point!
Emma, c'est toi la femme en rouge, non?
John & Carlos, big thanks.
And mille grazie tutti di Mile.

Anonymous said...

Impressive bird dancing!