Time it was and what a time it was...A time of innocence; a time for confidences.
Long ago it must be; I have a photograph.
Preserve your memories; they're all that's left you........
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Experiment - Size & Layout: Lesser Known Uses for a Police Car
When you're standing in line for over 4 hours, it's great that the police can oblige when you need to pay some attention to your make-up!
C'est super mignon ! quand mon plus jeune fils avait 6 ans, on était sur les champs elysées pour le passage du 31 décembre au 1er janvier, et en passant près d'un CRS (tu sais, les policiers qui controles les manifestations, d'une façon en général assez musclée), j'ai entendu la petite voix de mon fils "bonne année". Et le CRS a répondu "bonne année, mon petit". C'est vraiment adorable, les enfants aiment les policiers !
I love the words of your banner - from Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle. One of my long time favorites. I found your place through a comment you left on Oliviah's blog - such a kind stranger. Your photos are grand - I like what I've found here.
For nabeel, darkdarling (seriously?), lha64, VtheM and tsduff,
Thank you and welcome to my place. Me too, I'm very happy with that banner (copyright P.Simon!), shame I can't get them singing it on here,eh? Thank you a lot too, everyone else. No, P, no he estado bien, en absoluto, no. The world is a strange place; the internet is even stranger because it is, as my friend J describes it, neutral. Not at all like Lennon's 'Imagine'. it is devoid of right,wrong, day, night, good, bad, but everything is in it. Mixed up. And it is dangerous. Lastly, if you have not already seen it, can I invite you to visit Mar and see the marvel she produced from my picture of the sun-dancing birds, post titled 'Variaciones', Tuesday 3 October. Con todo mi corazon Mar, graçias, Yo te devo algo en contrapartida....
Wonderful picture. What were you standing in a line for? Was she also in the line? Is she the next Supermodel? (I heaer they start them young these days.)
Hola Joan e graçias por tu visita. Vengo já otra vez!
Meg, this was for the 2 days of the year that the City Council opens the Roman galeries under the streets, so thousands go & stand in line. I thought we were early enough, arriving as it opened, but there were already maybe 2,000 people in front.This little charmer & her mum came right behind me into the line. When I took this, we had gone about 100 metres in 45 minutes. We had to wait almost 4 more hours until we went down! By that time, the girl had made loads of friends with other children along the line & I entertained myself taking pictures of them. She is a very good model, a real character and her name is Mariana!
I did Meg. Though if Patti hadn't been with me, I'd never have waited so long. Want to see? I've got a good idea where to put them so you can see. Actually, remember the capoeira dance pictures? It was the end of that afternoon, but we also went to see the ruins of the Roman theatre and the Jeronimos convent & church.
que delicia de foto!!!!!! ella es exquisita mirándose en el retrovisor....
Love this one! Bjs
great, sweet pic.
Tienes un regalo en mi blog.
Ésta es de las mejores fotos.
C'est super mignon !
quand mon plus jeune fils avait 6 ans, on était sur les champs elysées pour le passage du 31 décembre au 1er janvier, et en passant près d'un CRS (tu sais, les policiers qui controles les manifestations, d'une façon en général assez musclée), j'ai entendu la petite voix de mon fils "bonne année".
Et le CRS a répondu "bonne année, mon petit".
C'est vraiment adorable, les enfants aiment les policiers !
Excellent catch! I love it. :)
haha .. awesome picture .. was she putting on lipstick? well I guess she's too young .. makes the viewer wonder whatthe girl is upto
has estado bien?
What an interesting idea, and good point of view.
There are so many great work out here, will be back soon.
Very appealing. Great capture!
Nice new look!
¡Eterno femenino!
Una excelente foto Mile.
Recibe un cordial saludo.
I love the words of your banner - from Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle. One of my long time favorites. I found your place through a comment you left on Oliviah's blog - such a kind stranger. Your photos are grand - I like what I've found here.
For nabeel, darkdarling (seriously?), lha64, VtheM and tsduff,
Thank you and welcome to my place. Me too, I'm very happy with that banner (copyright P.Simon!), shame I can't get them singing it on here,eh?
Thank you a lot too, everyone else. No, P, no he estado bien, en absoluto, no.
The world is a strange place; the internet is even stranger because it is, as my friend J describes it, neutral. Not at all like Lennon's 'Imagine'. it is devoid of right,wrong, day, night, good, bad, but everything is in it. Mixed up. And it is dangerous.
Lastly, if you have not already seen it, can I invite you to visit Mar and see the marvel she produced
from my picture of the sun-dancing birds, post titled 'Variaciones', Tuesday 3 October. Con todo mi corazon Mar, graçias, Yo te devo algo en contrapartida....
instantánea !!! OK.
salut. Joan
Wonderful picture. What were you standing in a line for? Was she also in the line? Is she the next Supermodel? (I heaer they start them young these days.)
Hola Joan e graçias por tu visita. Vengo já otra vez!
Meg, this was for the 2 days of the year that the City Council opens the Roman galeries under the streets, so thousands go & stand in line. I thought we were early enough, arriving as it opened, but there were already maybe 2,000 people in front.This little charmer & her mum came right behind me into the line. When I took this, we had gone about 100 metres in 45 minutes. We had to wait almost 4 more hours until we went down! By that time, the girl had made loads of friends with other children along the line & I entertained myself taking pictures of them. She is a very good model, a real character and her name is Mariana!
I am assuming, then, Mile, that the wait was all worthwhile. Did you take some pics under there?
I did Meg. Though if Patti hadn't been with me, I'd never have waited so long. Want to see? I've got a good idea where to put them so you can see. Actually, remember the capoeira dance pictures? It was the end of that afternoon, but we also went to see the ruins of the Roman theatre and the Jeronimos convent & church.
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