Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Day TOO Grey, Wet, Windy. So........

I want to see COLOUR!!!

Happy to see me?

Peacock, Lisbon City Museum

Do you also have the feeling like me that I'm neglecting humans lately?
Here are a couple of Brazilian carnaval pea-hens.

This one nearly lost her wig in a gust of breeze.
Would never happen in Rio!

Have a great, colourful week all! Posted by Picasa


Carlos said...

After yesterday's great colours of grapes and bananas, your peacock is fantastic. Well... fantastic is not enough, it is awesome.

Cergie said...

Ah !
Quel rapprochement entre les humains et l'oiseau ! C'est bien vu.
Dans la nature le paon risque sa peau avec sa parure encombrante tout cela pour séduire une nana.
Il doit penser que cela en vaut la peine !!!
Surement, ça en vaut la peine.

AnaGF said...

Tal como a cergie, gostei do paralelismo entre o pavão e os mascarados. Mas ganha o pavão!

Anonymous said...

Do I sense a turnaround in mood? What cheering color - it brightens everything! Makes me want to put a vase of flowers on my desk!

edwin s said...

Wow! So many pictures of me! How not to clelobrate eh?

Yup, two different religions, two celebrations. This is only the beginning. malaysia is known to have all it's celebrations and festivals around the same time.

Icarus said...

A turnaround? I'm gonna make a conscious resistance on this blog to this grey all around for the duration. Don't even want to shoot anything new! No grey here, maybe some B/W.
Pequete is right, the real peacock wins hands (feathers?) down. But Cergie, it's funny that the guy does all that & the lady of his dreams is so drab. Good with kids, though. i have some great shots of one with her young, waddling along at speed and maintaining them in shadow to protect them from the summer heat all the way back to the trees.
Carlos, tu vas aguardar pelo a nosso próximo encontro para receberes os meus 'agradeçimentos' (awesome!)? LOL! Ou agora?

And I'm so happy to see Ed back on the globetrotting trail. Which one do mean? the one with the blue breast, or the red? Both? I can hear Kool & the Gang starting up now: "Clelobrate giid tomes, Come On! (It's a clelobration)". Join in everyone!
Must be THE best time to be in KL, then.

Emmanuelle said...

Je ne l'ai vu qu'une fois dans ma vie en cette pose - étonnant, magnifique, quel mélange de couleurs!