August 7 Follow Up
Thank you all so much for your great comments. Can't deal with everyone indivually, as too many, so I'll just add my thoughts on the 5.
TheBelgian: I love doing events with audiences likethis. It's an annual event that I've nowcovered 4 times & never lets me down. Adults & kids all get so engrossed in whatever they're watching, from clowns to weird or straight musicians to percussion bands. Performers & audience - & much more at the Belem Cultural Centre Spring Festival is a must. With something like this guy, you are one step all the time, anticipating when to click.
The mushroom macro: Wheel let me down by one line. One much better on next line, with yellow iris!
Romeo e Julieta: Just so special. I adore this & the other 7 or 8 of them, so engrossed, so happy ona Friday afternoon
that they never remotely noticed me. I was on their side from the start, seeing them from behind sat on a wall in front of a veryromantic fountain. All your comments confirm to me that I was not wrong. It speaks to all of us. Special word for Telma: that's so beautiful, T! Against your will, it made you nostalgic, 'cos you knew that place from your very own personal experience at the same age. Loved your comment & made me smile. Neo mademe just laugh, very funny! Edwin, what does 'bugger' mean exactly?
The duck: I too adore this one. I hadn't realised that the duck actually looks cold till I chose it last night. It seems to be shivering. Manuel e Mar, sinto-me honrado e muy humilde con vuestras palavras Muchíssimas graçias.
Pointy patent ridiculous shoes. Another set I really enjoyed shooting. It was pure, high comedy for various reasons I won't expand on. The woman was with a much younger man & they both spent an awful amount of time talking into their cell phones/telemóveis. As she sat on a bench next to mine, I had plenty of time to study her and her shoes & was fascinated by the absurdity and the shadows.
Finally, by doing this, I learn from your comments new things about my own photography. Thank you again. Next set above!!