Thursday, January 04, 2007

Time and a Word

Today is my 200th post. No, not "The Full Monty". I have a strange mind. 2 days ago, just after I'd had a shower, I suddenly thought it was time to take some self-portraits. No particular reason, other than lack of photo-ops lately and the morning light was good.
Time has come today. This afternoon. The time is "now" and the word is "Out". I have 3 weeks to leave.
If you wondered a few weeks ago why the homeless man mattered so much to me, then here is one of the reasons.
You may have noticed that I could hardly post any of the many Lisbon Christmas lights pictures, of which I'm so fond and also proud. more seriously, I have been able to deliver my follow-up stories to the homeless man. For the former, I was too sad. For the latter, I have been unable for 3 weeks to enter the website where 6,000 of my digitalised film photos are stored. Among them is the story of my friend, Mario Barata, excluded but perhaps the greatest example I know in Portugal of the man with almost nothing who is also probably the most generous person I know here. I had wanted to show him to you, how he lives, how he is; it was to be a positive corollary to the man in the wheelchair (who incidentally used to be a drug-dealer and mysteriously fell out of a building - a common story).
When I arrived in this country on 16 May 1996, there was a popular song that you heard all the time: "Um, dois três, vou nascer outra vez!". It must have been the first Portuguese song I learned the words to; 1, 2, 3, I'm gonna be born again!". And that is how it felt.
Now I'm supposed to do it again? The second, arguably the third move since last 2 April.
I kept telling you that time was running out. It always is. And now it has run out.
Are you going to be angry? Upset? Please don't be. You have no right to be angry with me that this time, after the various threats, I REALLY have no more time or peace to do this.
Shocked, that I can understand.
I have tried to give me best, as much of me as possible until the end, knowing that this day was approaching. I neither choose to let anyone down, nor lose anybody. Whatever you may think about it, try this: this world is no dream. For me, it can be damned hard, mostly because this is how I'm made and it is my own doing. I wished you all miracles, precisely because I know what they are. My life has been a miracle since I was a baby. I see no miracles in front of me now.
I am distraught, lost, I feel broken and most of all, tired out. There is no "back" to return to, no "home". I am a refugee.
Of all the people who may read this, there is one, 3000 miles/5000 kms from here, who will understand this well, as he is facing a similar predicament, in maybe even worse circumstances. Others among you are also carrying real burdens - of care for loved ones in need, or of personal difficulties which bring sadness, stress & depression, mental pain besides physical suffering. We travel together, in isolation. Our friendships are deep, immense help, they offer so much support & shelter from the storm. But ultimately, we can only do the necessary alone. On the internet, we can't even reach out and hold each other, see each others' tears. Or smiles.
So please don't be angry with me. You have next to no idea of what highways, roads and alleys I have walked to get here. Like I don't of yours.
I want to name personally - as my simple, inadequate thanks - those whose hearts have really touched mine. I hope I don't forget anyone. There is no order but the one that enters my mind: Jenny, Ruth, Carlos, Mademoiselle P...No, Pilar!, Analia, Audrey, Meg & Ben, Marguerite (cergie), Ana S, Papalagui...No, LEONOR!!, Ana G (pequete), Edwin, Oliviah, Mar (marcaliope), Marjan (afotografia), Paul (nikon), Stephen Bess, Terry (tsduff), Mousie, Antonio Sevila, getzapped, dr A, peter, louise, louz, elaine, mll, lynn, photowannabe, neorelix....I must have forgotten some, but I'm happy that there are no glaring omissions.
There are many others who have expressed their appreciation for what they have found here.
I am truly sorry, particularly to the newest arrivals this week, that you can only look at archives, if you want.
Maybe there will be some new things here, if I find time, because I have a 'pending' list, including one draft all ready to post. I'll try.
And if - after all this coming upheaval, I can and want to return, then I might. First, as Genesis sang in the song 'Afterglow': "Like the dust that settles all around me, I must find a new home". A home.....I haven't had one of those for a long time........
It's good to post those 4 pics above, because I think I at least look happy enough and without a care in the world.
But I end this with the one below. Why? Well, you can check if you want. I close Post 200 with the same picture with which I opened this door, for Post 1.
Be your best, be strong, be smiling, but whenever you need to cry, try & make sure there's a big, warm shoulder close...........


RUTH said...

I saw this day coming Stewart; I know you know that is true. I shall not say much here; there is too much I want to say. I think; I hope you will be back. That the circumstances that bring you to this decision will somehow? be resolved. I know that many will comment here with fine words in many languages; imploring you not to leave. My fine words are not flowing...I just feel sadness. Where ever the next road leads you I wish you happiness and success. I thank you for being there for me and so many others. You truly are a remarkable man. I hope you will be able to have some "YOU" time deep in the knowledge that there are those who care about you and whose lives you have touched in so many ways. And remember we have seen your day..some day in the midst of will walk a street and we will recognise you...till that day and beyond
I love you

Carlos said...

I'm really sorry my friend but we just can't accept that. I also know the person 3000 miles from here and sure would like to be able to do anything to help him out. But you are 20 miles away, so there must be something we can do to help. Paraphrasing a friend of mine, "Be your best, be strong, be smiling, but whenever you need to cry".

P said...

je serais toujours là si tu as besoin de moi.

Audrey said...

Just simple words Stewart,spoken with a deep sense of consolation sitting alongside a feeling of desolation....what they call a state of grace..........I am so glad I came out of the shadow that day and met a very real man whos words and images...well just so real, honest and at times raw...yet always delivered with a deep sense of caring and love......I repeat what was written here a few short days ago..Mile .....the king of birds....and add again the Pheonix rises from the ashes. (If you want to you can laugh,if you want to you can cry, be yourself,dont fake, just believe in destiny, dont care what people say, just follow your own way, DONT GIVE UP and leave to chance, your return to innocence..ENIGMA)

Ive posted something very simple on my gift to you........somehow it reminds me of who you are

Journey well, sunshine on your face always and I pray to read your words again,some other time and place

Thank you and love always x x

Leonor said...

Please, don´t go, dear Stewart! I just can´t find the right words to tell how much I´m missing you already, it will hurt not to hear my mum telling me there´s a comment from you in my blog. Bjs

Meg said...

You will be missed, but it's not a bad thing, taking a breather, either. Give yourself time to sort out other things, and then see if you feel like coming back here. (I hope you do!)

Blogger may have learned to behave itself by then, too. (One can only hope!)

So, Mile Stone on Break, shall we say?

Cergie said...

Oh quel message poignant Mile !
Je suis contente de voir ton visage d'homme et non de pierre
C'est un visage souriant, j'aime tes beaux yeux bleus limpides où on doit se noyer, non on ne peut pas se noyer dans tes yeux, ce n'est pas possible
Tu te souviens quand je me suis transformée moi aussi en gorgone de pierre ? J'étais très très mal et ça a passé
Tour à tour l'un ou l'autre ça nous arrive, on ne saitpas de quoi demain sera fait et je veux croire que ce demain où tu vas revenir sera là trèsbientôt
Je t'embrasse très affectueusement, Stewart mon ami de tous les pays


PS: cette photo en bas est peut être la plus belle que tu aies jamais mise (lumineuse, mystérieuse, granitée, si bien cadrée en diagonale) et dieu sait que tu en as mises de belles photos et de beaux messages

Analía said...

No my friend, I won’t get angry with you this time, as Ruth said, I saw this day coming. I’m sad yes, but not angry….as your friend I have learned you need to go and find your place and the only thing I can do is to open the door, let you out and say goodbye from the doorframe, maybe biting my lips not to shout please stay!
I have felt like a cloth doll many times, with my legs too weak to stand, and there you were, pulling me up and helping me to keep walking, well my friend, it’s time for me to help you walk to the home you need so much to find and to the real hugs you need to feel, those that are tight and warm…and healing.
Don’t be sorry... our sadness today will blossom tomorrow with great memories of our time together and I know, we know, we have many memories to cover a garden as beautiful as Ruth’s.
We will be still here should you feel like coming back someday…in the same doorframe today we are saying goodbye….and smiling like a mother who sees her child come back home after a long time….SMILING at you.
Smiles…what a beautiful thing…..the factory…magic!! I know wherever you set your home and your soul, there will be someone who will benefit from this factory as we did, because you may be far away, but making others smile is in your essence.
Fly my friend, fly high, fly home and from time to time let the winds bring us rumours of you to water our garden of memories until you decide to fly back.
I love you with all my heart….FLY

marjan hols reis photography said...

Thank you for all your wonderful words and comments you made!
I will also miss your fanatstic fotos of Lisbon with it´s people.
Stay strong!

ana said...

I haven't been around much, and I'm totally stunned by what I read. What happened? Please, if you can, if you want to, write to me or call me. I don't know what to make of this.

Oleanderman said...

Travel safely Stuart and know that wherever you pitch up people are waiting for and looking forward to seeing and hearing from you. You don't walk alone mate.

RUTH said...

May I say what a brilliant choice of music you have on your blog
Love and hugs and a multitude of kisses

AnaGF said...

Nobody will be angry at you. Like Sting said in some song: if you love somebody, set him free. And one thing is sure, we all love you! So go, if you have to, but please take care of yourself. Nobody will be angry, but most of us will be worried, because it is obvious that you're not well. So I'll just say: até breve! You have e-mails from many of us, so we're here if you need that shoulder...

Mauigirl said...

So sorry to hear you're leaving...I hadn't checked here for a week or two since I'd been busy over the holidays and something made me check today. I guess it was meant to be that I'd read your farewell note on the day you posted it. I wish I'd gotten to know you more but your beautiful pictures will still be there. I hope you'll be back...

Analía said...

Ruth said this somewhere above "And remember we have seen your day..some day in the midst of will walk a street and we will recognise you..." I must add something here...We've seen your photo and of course we have also seen your extremely LONG and UBIQUITOUS legs...impossible not to recognize you my dear friend :)
Love Ani

edwin s said...

Thank you Stewart for your side of this strange world of ours.

GROOWWWWLLLLL!!! Tigers will never be extinct. We always come back stronger.

Love always.

RUTH said...

You know I'll keep popping back....just in case!!!

Mylagan said...

Bonjour Mile stones,

J'ai été surprise de voir que vous avez cité mon nom. Cela me touche.
Excusez moi mais je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de lire vos back pages, je crains que cela me prendra beaucoup de temps, je suis loin de comprendre aisément tout texte écrit en anglais. J'ignore donc encore ce qu'il vous arrive.
J'espère que vous n'avez pas de trop graves ennuis. Si vous traversez une période difficile, j'espère de tout coeur que vous rencontrerez des personnes capables de vous aider, de vous soutenir, de vous redonner espoir, de vous donner l'amitié, l'affection dont tout homme a besoin.
"make sure there's a big, warm shoulder close"..."close" voilà un mot très important. Les personnes les plus importantes ne sont-elles pas les personnes qui nous sont effectivement proches ? Ces personnes qui vous connaissent bien, qui sont réellement là quand vous avez besoin d'elles, qui, dans les épreuves, vous soutiennent bien plus qu'avec de simples mots. J'espère que vous disposez aussi de l' "épaule" d'un proche.

"La vie est une chance, saisis la.
La vie est beauté, admire la.
La vie est béatitude, savoure la.
La vie est un rêve, fais en une réalité.
La vie est un défi, fais lui face.
La vie est un devoir, accomplis le.
La vie est un jeu, joue le.
La vie est précieuse, prends en soin.
La vie est une richesse, conserve la.
La vie est amour, jouis en.
La vie est mystère, perce le.
La vie est promesse, remplis la.
La vie est tristesse, surmonte la.
La vie est un hymne, chante le.
La vie est un combat, accepte le.
La vie est une tragédie, prends la à bras le corps.
La vie est une aventure, ose la.
La vie est bonheur, mérite le.
La vie est la vie, défends la."

RUTH said...

I had to try and translate the mll comment with Babel; I think I understand most of it now. It is a good comment; remember it MS

tsduff said...

I am very sad to learn of your closing to your gorgeous pictures, interesting views upon things, and even your personal notes and emails. Hoping to hear from you in the future - I've loved hearing/seeing Lisbon as presented through your eyes and camera lense. I doubt that I shall ever view a comorant /sea crow the same way again ;-D Thanks Stewart.:-D Hugs, and wish you every happiness as you move on to your new adventures, whatever they may be. Nice self portrait pictures - you have a beautiful smile and gorgeous blue eyes :-)

Nabeel said...

I don't understand .. what's going on here? What day is coming? Angry and upset about what? You are closing your blog? If so .. why? You don't have time to post everyday?

Well then u can post once a week .. why everyday? It's a better idea to cut down on the number of post due to time issues rather than shutting down your blog. You have a responsibility to your readers.

Who's the guy in the picture.. looks cool :)

arturcampos said...

Thank you for your time and words...abraço.