Saturday, January 27, 2007

Those Strangers, at Last?

Because after trying this all week, I will only believe it when I'm told they are visible.
That will make all this effort worthwhile.


Icarus said...

Jenny, it used to be so much easier, direct from Picasa. But no complaints. If this is the only way now, then so be it. I'm just trying to keep on sharing my Lisboa, on and under its many surfaces. Despite everything, which is not unsubstantial.

Nikon said...

You made it Stewart :) Good for you.
Nice shots, too.

Audrey said...

Your pictures are amazing, the first is so evocative, the lady in the doorway, could take it as a black and white were it not for her t.shirt and the blue relfection in the window, almost sombre serious mood in the third, and the last one so full of movement and energy.... absolutely beautiful!!

tsduff said...

Ah = he's back! And good as ever. I love the picture of the band... I play accordian you know so it's always nice to see another player in lifes scene. So glad to see these pics.

RUTH said...

I SEE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cergie said...

Quelle belle lumière les deux photos du bas, ça fait envie un beau ciel comme ça en ce moment

Celle qui est juste au dessus est étrange, assez terne et la personne a l'air si triste et si décalée

J'aime la couleurs rose et mauve des murs de l'église / la lueur orangée des cierges C'est chaud comme ambiance

Analía said...

They are visible and beautiful!
I really love the white and black picture, how can it be that the only color comes from the tshirt? AMAZING! The other pictures are great too. I wonder where that group of ppl are going.
Love and kisses

Jenny said...

My favorite is the girl in pink on the plaza, all her gestures mimicking hte movement of the pigeons...just perfect.

Icarus said...

Thank you all. Your comments have all gratified me and done me good. It really takes an eternity that I neither have nor want to do anything. About one hour to change my profile photo, but at least this is now homogeneous.
Paul, many thanks. How is it at your end? I've just seen the revolution over at Carlos, deserved. My appointed successor, LOL!
Thanks for those compliments. Auds, You find the musicians sombre? Interesting. The turquoise lady with the heavy bags aroud her eyes - somehow it was right to black-&-white the rest. She looked so lost that I wanted to tell it that way & remove the noise of the street's colour.
For everybody, the first was witnessing these people's devout implorings in the extraordinary São Domingos church (you may remember me showing the outside in the Largo São Domingos on a walk one afternoon in November). This church and the square echoes with sombre history from 500 years ago (a terrible, vast massacre of "conversos" - converted Jews - and denounced new Christians started there on All Saints Day in 1506). Then it was partially destroyed in the great earthquake of 1755. Many decades later, the rebuilding was badly affected by a fire. Today, you can still see the effects on the walls & pillars, which creates a unique atmosphere (Cergie j'espère que tu comprends cette explication pour les couleurs des murs). Yet, it is extremely popular.
Terry & Analia, the musicians in their region's traditional costume are returning to their bus after taking part in a parade of 1000 musicians depicting the history of music - in chronological order - of music in Portugal. The gremlins were at the start of this parade. I shot the whole history as it passed me, and then rushed to where it terminated. Which porduced different, interesting results. I like this one too.
As for the little girl in pink in Rossio, with the earthquake-ruined remains of the Carmo convent above her (those circular structures), Jenny, I like that a lot too. I was watching her "performing" with the pigeons for her mother's camera, but only got two that I liked. Somehow, it spoke to me, the way her blond hair (obviously tourists)and her dressed moved with the summer breeze. Sweet, innocent and hopeful.

RUTH said...

I love the new profile photo; you said in your comment you were must fly nearer the sun my friend; but remember the suntan cream. I was so excited that I finally saw your photos..had waited so long that I never actually commented on them. Alas now I think your other commenters have said it all. I love the one of the little girl but feel myself drawn to the second one........and wonder what her story is.....I see such sadness there.

photowannabe said...

Stewert, I loved all the shots. Each one is special in its own way. Keep it up. I look forward to many more fabulous pictures from Lisbon.

Audrey said...

Lol, almost sombre Stewart, now you give the background perhaps more preoccupied and tired after a long day, like how the photo captures the two figures seemingly absorbed with what they hold in their hand

RUTH said...

Not a comment; just a quick way of telling you as my email is playing me up 5th round draw FA cup;
Fulham v Spurs

Icarus said...

Thanks, Ruth. it can't be as bad as the same game Saturday week ago...or can it? And there are still 2 possibilities for them to play in Portgual in the EUFA. Everyone here wants a Spurs-Benfica final in Glasgow......sorry people. It is photo-talk, really!


Um obrigado pela visita.
Há coisas que compreendi, sem compreender. Talvez com um pouco mais de discernimento chegue lá.
Um abraço.
E já agora desejo felicidades.
E digo também que moro na margem esquerda do RIO TEJO (o maior rio da península ibérica), a 12 km de Santarém.

Tea said...

Welcome back! And I like the name.
You did mean spring in your comment to me didn`t you, I think, rather than Christmas :)
I wonder what the woman in the second picture is thinking? More wonderful pictures!


Icarus said...

Manuel, obrigado tambem. Tem sido uma daquelas histórias que gosto muito. Tudo à ver com rodas, tal como nessa foto que a iniciou e levou ao seu encerramento, ao margem isquerda do Tejo. Fantástico e, como mademoiselle p diria, cheio de sinergias.

Icarus said...

Tea, hi & thanks. I just kind of hope she was thinking something! And now I'm wondering what on earth I was thinking....Xmas???!

AnaGF said...

I'm glad you're back, although I haven't been visiting so often (not even my own countrysketches...) and it's great you recovered your photos!!

get zapped said...

Intriguing photos. So full of color and movement. Nice!

Nabeel said...

I love the blue sky .. and the area looks soo coool .. like .. I dunno a summer walk would be perfect here :)

where are you these days ?