Thursday, July 20, 2006

Courtesy Visit from the US Coast Guard

A double dose today, because I think I will be out for a couple of days. Besides other stuff, we currently have the 50th Tall Ships Regata in town, 75 huge sailing boats, yesterday till Sunday, when they depart by sailing past Lisbon and on 6 miles to the Atlantic. It should be an unmissable event. You can go on the ships & there are events along the docks, with music & nightly firworks. The event in these pictures was the visit to Lisbon of the US Coast Guard barque "the Eagle", which is used for training new recruits. The origin of this ship, and how it came to be in the coast guard fleet, is fascinating. It was built in Germany during the 1930s, when the Nazis were already in power. It was named the "Horst Wessel", 'legendary' Nazi hero, who also gave them their favourite marching song.
In 1945, at the end of WW2, it was awarded to the USA as a war prize. It was re-named, re-fitted and has served in the USCG fleet ever since.
A beautiful ship.

This sequence terminates with one of those caption competitions. What is Mr Taylor saying to Patti that has her looking so shocked?
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Anonymous said...

These pictures are so impressive, the colors of the landscape, the ship and th sight of this magnificent ship. Enjoyed its story too.
Is he telling her something about the size of naval sandwiches???
Get some more greast shots from the regatta!

edwin s said...

I'm enjoying this nautical theme of yours. The statue (we're both absorbed with these things, aren't we?) is remarkable. As I was reading the post, i realised the shape of it. excellent reveal!

I wish I was in Lisbon. I like ships. having said that, I'm one of the millions that think 'Pirates' with Herr Depp is the best movie of the year!

Till your return.

Anonymous said...

Great photos... I've never seen this ship before.

Oleanderman said...

Fascinating story - informative pictures. The ship looks awesome! I'd love to go on it. If he's describing the fish he caught, it's not very impressive...

Nuno said...

Hello NM, i've been browsing your lookings in Lisbon and i can only say your are going great, Lisbon is a beautiful lady and you show it here on your way.
Não me vou pronunciar acerca do que o marinheiro está a descrever com as mãos;)

Icarus said...

Viva Nuno! Agradeço a tua visita da Invicta. Ainda mais, o teu comentário, obrigado (vou ter de traduzir isto para inglês, mas apetece-me responder-te no meu lousy portugûes escrito). Há semanas atrás fui visitar o teu blog, quer dizer "Porto DP", (por que que 'tás ligado com Copenhagen? Gemeos? Namorada,etc.? fiquei tão impresionado. Bestial! Es profissional, ou qué? Já voltei à visitar o Porto DP. À sério, deslumbrante, muitos parabens. Logo quero deixar pelo menos UM comentário, mas tenho que trabalhar tambem. Sejas bem vindo sempre. E Força FCP!
OK, folks, it was to thank Nuno for his visit from Portugal's second city, Porto. His Porto DP displays truly fabulous photography & I strongly recommend
it if you don't know it. And I let him know that I have a soft spot for his city's football team!

Manuel Tendero Gil said...

hola preciosas fotos muy buena un saludo

edwin s said...

hey guestman, how is the regatta?

Carrie Nichols said...

Beautiful ship and beautiful pictures. Wish I could think of a good caption for your last picture but I'm not very good at those things.

Nuno said...

Caro nowhere manm,
quero-te agradecer os teus comentários e dar-te uma boa noticia, além de eu não ser um adepto fervoroso de futebol o meu clube não é o FCP!

Icarus said...

Thanks for dropping by with that, Luggi! Kinda ambiguous though...

Closure, all: He was telling her the amount of space between bunks in stowage class. It's true!