Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Art of Communicating

In this post, I've reneged by 25% on my declaration a couple of days ago to revert to 'film' posts for a while. (Guess which is the odd one out!, kind of makes sense in the context). Anyway, a thematic exposé on portugal & communics.
I must have many hundreds of pics with everyone from babies to their grandparents & a mobile/cell/telemóvel phone stuck to their ears. I'm wondering whether this little guy has any idea what the things in the next pic. are for. Actually, they are letter-boxes. Historical artefacts these days. Red for ordinary (donkey-pace) mail, the blue one for priority. Don't they look nice side by side?

Public phone box, only for Russian speakers (there are a lot of Eastern European people working here, like everywhere across the continent.

And last is a phone box for chatting about football!

Take your pick! Posted by Picasa

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