Tuesday, July 10, 2007

July Blue




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Nikon said...

Great shots using my favorite color!
I hope you're having a good summer.

RUTH said...

Well we've finally had some sun here but your photos make me feel drawn to the sea and the sand. Were these taken during your escape? A wisful sigh.........

Icarus said...

Ruth, only the 3rd one, of the Blues Brothers looking towards Lisboa [click to see 25 de Abril Bridge in enlargement].
Nikon, thanks for the hopes. Reciprocated.
Sadly, I am indifferent to whether it's summer or winter. Yeah, that's the word. Gone too far.But more Blue still to come.

Cergie said...

Remarquables photos surtout les deux extrèmes
Le cadrage de celle du dessus ainsi que celui de celle du bas sont très originaux
Quelle impression, de béatitude chez cet homme velu !
quelel impression d'équilibre chez cette jeune fille
Ca fait envie d'habiter chez toi.

Icarus said...

Mais Cergie, tu n'as pas deviné? Cet 'homme velu' et béatifique, c'est qui? Auto-retrait, il y a 2 ans! Les bons jours d'antan, aaahh...

Audrey said...

Quiet contemplation, time of play in sparkling crystal waters, communion and blissful relaxation all under cloudless blues skies...all beautifully captured Stewart and oh so peaceful

Fred said...

looks like a refreshing summer! the yellow and white beach towel girl looks so comfy.

photowannabe said...

You have captured the essence of summer in these shots. Really nice blue.

Carlos said...

Hi Stew,
I hope your weekend was ok. These days are all the same to me: work, work, work. As you may guess, the mood is not the best. At least we have the blues...

Aura said...

Ola Stewart , glad to know you had a break this week end..It seems that you had a relax & a nice blue day.. Maybe you can add a touch of "blues" song too?

Have a nice day!!

Icarus said...

I just realised that aura has also
started a blog. As she lives near to where those Blues Brothers are sitting looking towards Lisbon by the water, it's obvious that she has more photo-potential close to hand than me.
Worth a visit!

Lucie, j'ai écrit au-dessus que aura vient de démarrer un blog, qu'elle habite à la cote, mi-chemin entre Lisbonne et les villes balnéares et donc, elle a beaucoup plus de choix en ce qui les sujets photogéniques que moi. Vaut la peine y visiter, merçi.

Cergie said...

AH ! Mais est ce qu'elle est velue ?
Oui, j'irais voir aura, merci pour le conseil

Pardon mon ami !

J'aurais du m'en douter et savoir que cet homme oblogatoirement il devait avoir les yeux BLEUS étant donné le thème du post !

Icarus said...

Hi Carlos, I know, I know. 4 projects all runnning at the same time, all due tommorrow. I stayed in Av. Conde de Valbom, spent night time in Chiado, hours working at ISEG, afternoon in Estrela, Sunday around Oeiras & Sº Amaro, mostly alone. I just had to fugir-me do Colete Encarnado. As a result, I can say that the C.E. was fantastic this year!!
Soon, Carlos, soon......

Cergie....ha-ha-ha!J'ai aucune idée si elle est velue. C'est pas trop à la mode, n'est-ce pas?

Les yeux bleus se sont aperçus d'autre merveille: as-tu écrit exprès le mot "oBLOGatoirement"? C'est fabuleux, ce mot. Rigoleux, mais rélévant! Bisous

Mauigirl said...

Wonderful photographs as always. Love the blue theme.

Jenny said...

Your pose in the last shot made me think that your blues are at least somewhat ameliorated by a sunny day at the beach?

Icarus said...

Thanks Jenny. To put the record straight, there have been no "summer" beach days for me since July 5 last year. Which was the only one last year. This one was taken in 2005. Another time altogether. Perhaps I'm getting masochistic, as it can hurt to look back. Our day will come........

Icarus said...

Big apologies to Photowannabe from my corrupted set of google toys...I just found your comment hiding in my blogger dashboard! Didn't get into the Gmail inbox. Last week, several comments were delivered straight into the spam box, where I found them by accident.
Never mind, I'm just glad & grateful I found them. And great thanks to you.