Sunday, July 01, 2007

Azulejo Blue

The ancient tiles, telling stories from history, or merely decorative. Portugal's streets, monasteries, gardens would be far poorer without them.



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RUTH said...

These are stunning. It would be nice to know the story that some of them are telling. I like the cat in the first photo shame about the graffiti. Some graffiti is an art form in itself; sadly this particular batch is just defacing something beautiful. I wonder if the culprit's had spent "a night on the tiles" when they did it!

Jenny said...

I've just caught up on all these beautiful blue pictures - there is something magical and peaceful about many of them - they feel like a haven for my eyes and mind on a busy hectic Monday.

Nikon said...

Wow, great shots, & composition.

Leanne said...

wow, that little town looks so tranquil. i love all your photo's, they make me wish i was there lol! thanks for the lovely comment on my last post, yes my mum is one in a million. hope your having a good week x

photowannabe said...

Beautiful artwork. Its so sad to see them defaced by graffiti. Why do people do that?

Mauigirl said...

I'm really enjoying your "blue" series. I love the tiles in Portugal. And I remember being in Arroiolos when we were in Portugal last. Beautiful.

Audrey said...

These are amazing, I used to be an avid collector of anything blue and white, Willow,Delph etc. Would love to see the detail in these close up..These 'blue' posts have been excellent..more to come????

xx Auds

Icarus said...

Auds hi, yes, more to come. In fatc I tried this morning, but I'm having such annoying problems again with blogger. i do think it's the fault of my Google Desktop now.
Anyway, I have to hurry to run away fom this town and its bull festival for the next 2 days. It's 35º. I've worked like a dog to be free enough to get away, and I'm mentally burnt out, but mostly I'm angry at this display of nothing short of fascism, pure & simple. It was the dictator's nationalistic "Cultural Policy" of 75 years ago & still it goes on, under the guise of the word "tradition". Poor...very poor.

Great weekends all round to everyone. It's Lisbon for me!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Hello there sir! It's been too long. I hope all is well. I love the photos!

Squirrel said...

beautiful... i love blue too.

Cergie said...

Il me semble que tes photos ici suggérent un art de vivre, une douceur
L'art de prendre le temps d'écouter le chant de l'eau des fontaines

Icarus said...

Jái déjà constaté aux Portugais qu'ils ne rendent pas comte du valeur de la présence de cet phénomène dans les rues et les jardins. Ils donnent une calme, un sens de sécurité, autant que de l'art ancienne dans les éspaces publiques. Je crois que se j'étais obligé à choisir un seule sujet pour photographier içi, je choisirais les azulejos.

Icarus said...

Stephen, I sincerely wish I could answer in the affirmative. I love it that you come by, but I can get out into the world less & less. There is just no equilibrium.