Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Alentejo Blue

I recommend a click particularly on the collage, to see Arroiolos, the blue town.



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Carlos said...

Since I'm Alentejano I could only love your Alentejo blues.

Icarus said...

Great your here, Carlos. And the first to see these is actually an Alentejano! I knew that, but where from exactly? My favourite region of Portugal, for sure.
I'm not getting around much at all to blogs, forgive me. Who knows? I do know I'm determined not to be in VFX for the Colete Encarnado this year, weekend after next. Got a spare room? Seriously!

RUTH said...

Another stunning collection from your "blue period". I particularly like the door with the worn peeling paint..I wonder what a psychologist would say about that!

Icarus said...

I have a good idea what a psychologist WOULD say....but what the psychologist SHOULD say is:"I'm going to the Alentejo to take a closer, real-life view of Arroiolos!".

Nikon said...

Blue is my favorite color (crazy about it as any psychologist will tell you!), I could really live it a place like that :)

Unknown said...

Good food, good wine,hospitable & simple people , etc, etc..beautiful place to visit! I know only a few & recently we´ve been to Evora, Reguengoz de Monsaraz & Mourão, Porta Alegre & Castelo de Vide is also a must for your visit:.Find time to go to those places, you´ll love it there..Have´nt been to Arroiolos though..Best wishes!!

Leanne said...

hi there, thanku for leaving your comment today. i honestly wouldnt of been able to do the five things list either if mum hadnt helped me, im such a novice on the pc. as for the hokey cokey song, aslong as you know your left from right you should be fine lol! hope you've hada good day so far x

Audrey said...

Beautiful blues Stewart, so fresh and invigorating,yet soothing. I too love the cracked paint, real sense of times past in the here and now. Hope that determination takes you where you need to be xx Auds

Cergie said...

J'aime énormément toutes ces photos, chacune méritant un aggrandissement
A cause des volumes, des deux couleurs si méditerranéennes, mais ici se réfèrant à l'océan et au sud de l'europe
Au milieu du montage, le reflet comme un reflet d'écume, un bout d'océan capté est magnifique
J'aime beaucoup aussi la maison dorée captive "derrière" le vitrage de la fenêtre

Icarus said...

Moi aussi, le salon, la vie privée sugérée. Et l'Alentejo, une région qui s'étend du littoral à 50 kms au sud de Lisbonne jusqu'au Algarve, cote ouest, et puis tout l'intérieur jusqu'à l'Espagne. toutes les photos ont été prises dans l'intérieur.
It's great that everyone likes these blues. thanks.

photowannabe said...

Very stunning series. the blues are beautiful and the town is captured so well.

Icarus said...

Thanks for welcome comment, PHW.
I hope your move has gone well and you are happy & blessed with all things good in the new house!

Oliviah said...

I especially loved the picture of the door. So when I clicked on it and it became large, my eyes became large as well because of all the fascinating details this photograph has. This is such a work of art.

AnaGF said...

Blue is one of the things I miss up here: no blue stripped houses, no tiles and no sea. We do have other beautiful colours, though. This is a great set of photographs and it's great to have you back.

tsduff said...

I have a penchant for tile and mosaic... Spanish tiles, or Mexican or even Italian tiles... I love them all. Your pictures are wonderful - and aside from my danish china pattern, my laundry room, and even my house - I do enjoy the color blue! Lovely pictures.