Thursday, March 15, 2007


It's been that time of the year again when I get to work on my favourite job. i translate everything that's needed into English for the World Press Cartoon awards gala, exhibition & catalogue. Intense, inspirational work with the organisers who created this prestigious, brilliant and expanding event. The first edition was two years ago, so this is the 3rd. All the resident artists & staff pull together to get it together & it's a joy to work with them for a couple of mad weeks. It's also a wonderful challenge for me, I adore doing all of the various components of the catalogue and most of all, making the captions 'work', that is, to be witty/funny in a culturally recognisble way that hits the native English-speakers right.
Why me? Because I've known the Director & creator of this event for many years. António happens to be most probably Portugal's best and best-known - nationally & internationally - contemporary cartoonist. He trusts me!!!
The day before yesterday, I suddenly had to go in to Lisbon for a late-afternoon meeting, last-minute proofreading, alterations, arguments, laughs, as the deadline is very close.
As this is a kind of report on the session, I've made 3 collages to try to capture the place on Tuesday.
First (and because just being in that city, as well as the studios & offices, inspires my creative urges & needs), I played around with the camera while I was waiting - anti-photogrpahy, as I described it to one of the resident artists. A magnifying glass comes in handy. Also, you see one of the bronze statues that have been created from some of antónio's caricatures. For those who don't/can't recognise him, it's the poet, Fernando Pessoa:

Some of the production, including some of my work incorporated into the proofs:

The working environment & some tools of the trade:

And lastly, my friend, António himself, in his studio. Mischievous, funny, witty...and deadly with a pen & paper!:

So, made in Portugal, the WPC 2007 has attracted entries from 357 professional cartoonists in 62 different countries all over the world (works must be sent with proof of publication & a copy of the newspaper/magazine page on which they were published.
Starting last year, after the gala & exhibition in Sintra, the exhibition goes on tour. Last year, it went to India & China. this year it will go to Spain, Belgium, Mozambique, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil. It's growing! I'm very happy to be associated with it (& get paid!), although I always refuse my complementary ticket to the prize-giving gala event in April. TV will do for me.


RUTH said...

It's so good to hear the cheerfulness in your words as you write about this "job"...I say the word job loosely as it is obvious that it was more of a "pleasure". The clever use of the magnifying glass is brilliance. The head figure with the glasses is that made of it carved from a single piece..I really like that. How wonderful to be a part of such an event....but I think you should go to the could then post a photo of yourself in your best "bib & tucker" ...I assume it is a black tie affair.
Hugs & so good to see a new post from my special friend
Much love

Cergie said...

Icarus je comprends que tu fais des traductions. Tu as des facilités et tu as du talent pour ça. J'ai traduit un livre cet été et mon mari a fait les finitions car c'est lui le "spécialiste". C'est un livre sur les bassins de jardin. Et bien j'en ai bavé ! Mais le livre vient de sortir. La semaine prochaine il y a le salon du livre à Paris. J'irai je pense cette année.

J'aime beaucoup le montage avec les loupes. Ce grossissement des lettres amène un effet extraordinaire

photowannabe said...

Cheers for your "job". Your passion shows through and this sounds like a wonderful event. Loved your anti-photography too. Very clever. Keep us posted on everything about the event.

Mauigirl said...

Glad you are enjoying your translation job. We have a friend who does translations from French to English and vice versa and also travels around the country as an interpreter with groups from French-speaking countries. I know what a challenge it is to translate from one language to another.

Thanks for your post on my blog - how coincidental you spent time in West Orange 30 years ago!

Analía said...

It's so nice to know you are having a good time doing what you like. We should get many of those moments, don't we?
Enjoy my friend, the job will be done brilliantly given the enthusiasm you are showing. I still owe you an answer for your mail. I'll do it tomorrow yes or yes.
Love you, ANI

Tea said...

Congratulations on your job! It would be so great to have a creative job :)


Audrey said...

Great post Stewart, your enthusiasm and joy is evident in what you write...Wonderful when work inspires, challenges and meets creative urges and needs. This project sounds absorbing, looks so interesting all the different inputs and skills that make it work

Enjoy!!! Enjoy!!!Enjoy xxx Auds

edwin s said...

just thought i'd come by to visit an old friend. thought I'd come by to cheer him up. However, there was no need. Like everyone above, you sound cheerful and happy again. I guess doing something you enjoy helps. Please please please do more then.

xx always.

darkdarling said...

Hi, good to see you around.
So many interesting things out here that i missed though. Either way, do wish you all the best!

It's just dark darling pass a greeting.


Trijnie said...

thankyou for visting my blog, I am enjoying the posting and sharing with other nice people in this world. I like your photo's they tell lot of stories. have a nice day

RUTH said...

Hope you had a good meeting with Carlos and a wonderful weekend. May your next work project bring you as much joy.

Anonymous said...

Interesting post! and a lot of lovely images on your site!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post, so full of creative energy!

Makes you want to be part of the team, it must be fantastic, if exhausting! Wiould you need any translation in French next year? I'd love to do that! (I will be back in Europe next year)


Mandi said...

Wow! very interesting. So you're a cartoonist? Nice to be so creative. Thanks for visiting my site - glad you like it. Lehitraot

AnaGF said...

Funny, I've just written about Rumi's words: "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do". It seems to apply in this case! I'd love to visit that exhibition with my kids, if only it wasn't so far!

Mandi said...

Must be ESP!!

Icarus said...

Hey all. Too many to reply to each, but it seems you got the general mood that I wanted to convey, so thank you very much. However, a few to answer:
1)Cergie, bravo! Je dirais que j'ai eu de la chance. Les langues, les mots, les lettres, il m'en faut pour construire des ponts. Et c'est ça qui m'interesse principalement. Moi aussi j'ai aimé celles-lá.
2)Ruth, black-tie, no way! António as a penguin - impossible! My designer suit collection is staying firmly put (which is a real shame, actually!).
3)Maui, I'd say that in the last 2 years since going digital, it's all anti-photography, what I do. No rules at all. Just composition-composition-composition. And anticipation.
4)Griesmail, mooy tov! You've definitely started out on a great path. Nearly a year of blogging and I'm still amazed at the wonderful, precious people we can find!!
5)Mandi, I can't draw to save my life. At best, I'm a "word-cartoonist". Seriously, I'm a translator/editor. I'd much rather be a photographer though! And re. the ESP, it's an old trick of mine. See reply to Edwin next..
6)My dear friend Eddie, so welcome. Too long a time. Re. mandi & ESP (we were exchanging comments on each other's blogs at the precise same minute this morning!), as I was walking home on Sunday morning, I suddenly thought of you. I came in, turned the PC on and..."BLING!", you arrived. i love it! A big box of fireworks to you, mate!
7)Nathalie, no, not exhausting really. But very satisfying. The thing is, as I worte, it's my favourite job, but it lasts only 3 weeks at most. The rest of the time, it's mostly academic articles to edit or translate. Very solitary, often very boring or frustrating. I also like doing websites, as they tend to be more 'alive' and a challenge like the WPC in creative terms. Sadly, WPC only work in Portuguese & English, but if it tours France in future, then who knows?
8)Pequete, great quote. I'll be coming over to see. And it's only Sintra. you wouldn't even have to come down into LX. Try!
One last thing to all: Don't be fooled. Good, absorbing, creative work helps you to forget the negatives around. But for me, it's back to normal and that includes all the difficulties to confront in the big picture. No kidding, it's such a heavy load. But the struggle continues folks!
Many thanks, you all help me. Bless each one of you!! It's a beautiful day........

Nikon said...

Congrats on landing that post Stewart - good for you!