It is Audrey. She has been encouraged by Ruth (http://ruth-boofie.blogspot.com ) to do the right thing and start up.
Audrey, after contributing so much of yourself here this past week, it is plain as the 5-day stubble on my chin that you have a huge lot to share in your own "home", bless you.
I also urged you & said it could be good for you to do it. So if it doesn't work out that way, then don't forget who to blame, lol!
I'm welcoming you with this photo that I took when I kind of woke up this morning, kind of live in my bed. i saw jus that, the geometrics & light & shadows, it made me feel alive, positive & I reached for that bloody new phone. Then the real camera to compare. A pure sky, a saffron diaphanous curtain, thrown onto the wall. What more could anyone want? Well....
Folks, you'll find Audrey from now on at:
http://diamondsonthesoul.blog.com ....GREAT NAME!
Oh, and Carole, are you reading this? Get the hint. Think about it; you could do it, you know!
Now, back to the angst........

hey... thanks for passing... i will look the other blogs...
os amigos são os amigos...
Welsome to Beta MileStones. 5 day stubble?...you know we girls like the rugged look (LOL)
Well, phew-sigh! it looks like I'm back in business - beta-style. Meg & I have tested each other's blogs & it seems to work.....And make that 6-days now, Ruth. More rugged by the hour. Is it ragged? :-)
tr3nta, se leres isto, não te importa dar um olhar ao prévio (divagaciónes)? Querria saber os teus pensamentos sobre o poema da Mar, obrigado e beijinhos.
Getting the Beta thing straightened out was a major thing too. I think everything is now in order for me also.
I love the geometric patterns in this shot. Great colors too.
First the moment you captured....timeless...this is what I need and what I spoke of on my blog about my feeling greedy...this feeds me...I dont have your eyes and each image creates a journey that may speak different things to different people...This is beautiful and real too..lends a lovely balance to what is challenging in life..such a gift...I thank you for your gift today and also your warm welcome to blog world...and Yes I only have myself to blame..but then blame is one of those optional extras in life I feel...something I do my best to opt out of along with the labelling
we are all 100% responsible so who's to blame LOL
P.S. thank you for waking me up again with your recent thoughts shared these past few days
God evening (it's late!) Audrey. Glad you found this little visual welcome. Actually, I was so grateful to see this image this morning, let alone have it to shoot. Photography has been my salvation these past few years, it absorbs me mind like playing music always used to. But if I'm honest with myself, there is something more satisfying in the diversity of creation that using cameras allows. It takes me out of me, I get locked in some place hard to define, where my eyes are working hard, looking, looking,. looking, sometimes thinknig about what I see more than others. Digital has also changed the ways of seeing, shooting, & the subjects too. It'sd been a trade-off between gain & loss. Photojournalism, events, is more difficult in many ways now. I miss the bbig conventional cameras and lenses with film very often. Music on the other hand, was often more directly about what was inside me. Photography is so much more a synthesis of both and the therapeutic effects, as well as the potential for reaching out and communicating wider - these days -are much greater. In the past, waking& seeing that interplay of light, colour, shadow would also have captivated me, but I'd have reached out for the guitar & let it take me somewhere inspired by it.
By taking up a camera instead, i can keep looking it at, because I've captured the beautiful reality I saw, frozen & permanised a once-in-a-lifetime instant. What's more, I can use it, as I have done for you. You'd never ever have heard the music! Photography can so easily be translated into missions, things that move me: beautiful, ugly, unjust, uplifting. And with a blog, I can also use them to express and share my world, either in themselves, or as a point of departure or accompaniment for words.
Hey, I've just got into my own ramble about why I do this! Enough. I only want to add that I have long said the same about what you finish with. I believe that in its purest sense, the word & concept, democracy means responsibility, not abrogation and not blaming the people who are elected, or in charge. We must have responsibility, assume it, accept it personally. I only learned this clearly from the time I have lived in this country. It is not better or worse than other countries, but the concept 6 practice of personal & individual responsibility has not really taken root since the 1974 Revolution, shall we say?
May you sail along well in Dimaonds! night night XXX
PS - I am not too endeared to greeting you with 'God' evening. I really ought to have had typing lessons!
LOL 'God evening is fine too!!!She too has her place in all of this x
I like the light in this shot
It could be just me... because I got gassed at the dentist a bit too much this afternoon, after waiting for 75 minutes because the previous appointment went on and on and on..... But but but the link you included in the post doesn't work for me, and when I go via Audrey's profile, I go to a Now and Then blog which has no post....
Soooo...... what now?
Hi Stewart, this is a rehash of an answer to you on my blog. Haven't posted more comments because I don't want to be seen to be just agreeing with everything (trying not to be sycophantic!!) I would love to see the full translation of your friend's poem (I presume you are still working on it) - the one verse you posted is very impressive.
Re blogger problems - I find now before I hit the publish button the best thing to do is highlight everything (Ctrl A) then copy (Ctrl C) so that if it doesn't publish you can try again or paste it in a word doc (Ctrl V) and save it for later.
You do seem to be having more serious problems though - I noticed my name had disappeared from my comment - don't know what magic you worked to save it.
(Re music) We do seem to have very similar tastes - is there a bit of ESP at work too perhaps?
Like Meg I also tried the link to Audrey's blog but it wasn't found - must try again.
That is probably the besty photo you have ever posted - I just love it. Is there a larger version you can send me?
Jenny, the besty? Don't knowy, but it feels to me very much like right time, right place. i watched for it agin this morning and I must have got the times confused, as it didn't appear the same, though all the other conditionswere identical. Once in a lifetime...
And of course you can have one, or more! They are still in the cameras. It is the festival of lights, after all. Moreover, I'd already thought of it!
Dr A, if you mean what I think you do, about the name, I'd noticed at least 2 others became 'anonymous' whereas originally, they had come in with their IDs as usual. I accepted an offer to let BN come in and do some repairs this afternoon, so hopefully it will be ok from now on. I can't stand the time-wasting.
Audrey's blog, that's really irksome. We wait for her tocome in and try to explain. There is also a way in via Ruth's post yesterday, I imagine, as that's how I first saw the new blog & left comments. In fact, I'll do that again now.
Right, I think I've discovered what was wrong with Audrey's link.
It worked for me just now, so hopefully this is definitive.
Meu culpa.........of course!
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