Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sintra: Quinta da Regaleira, with View of the Castelo dos Mouros

These pictures do no justice to the magnificence of what is the most symbolic mansion and grounds of free-masonry in Portugal. Click on the link below to learn more. Endless mystery & enchantment. If you ever come to Lisbon, you must visit Sintra & the Quinta da Regaleira!
The Moors' Castle (pictured from the Regaleira grounds) stands on the highest peak of the Sintra Hills and can be seen on clear days from vast distances, as far away as the beaches of the Caparica coast, across the river from Lisbon, as well as Lisbon itself. To climb its walls to the top is an incredible experience.
The last photo shows the "twin peaks", with another 'must-see' to the right, the Palácio de Pena.The views, dominating the town of Sintra and out to the Atlantic nearby, to the coastal resorts of Cascais & Estoril and on towards Lisbon, are simply outstanding.


Cergie said...

Comment rendre en photo une telle magnificence, c'est vrai
Je me demande si avec les mots on n'y arriverait pas mieux
Déjà avec tes mots tu nous la fais toucher !

Carlos said...

Fantastic photos. I should be ashamed of myself. 30 Kms from where I live and I don't know those fantastic places.

Meg said...

It's quite exquisite close up, Mile.Looking at the top picture, I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few ghosts living here. (I like the idea of ghosts, not really haunting, but just hanging around because they don't want to leave. Not that I've ever met one.)

Carlos, isn't it just the way it happens when you live somewhere for a while? Because of DP, I'm going to all sorts of places I know exist but never have been in the last 10 years.

Analía said...

Dear Mile Stones, I don't know what I like the most, if the beautiful pictures or the way you describe them, both are like poems to my eyes. Thank you, I came to see the Castelo dos Mouros and I really understand what you wanted to tell me with your message in La Casita. Up, no matter what UP UP UP!!! :) xoxo Ani

lynn said...

Bonjour Mile,
Wow, magnignifiques prises: on a envie de faire le voyage pour découvrir ces paysages grandioses et tellement beaux que nous offres.
Excellent Dimanche

darkdarling said...

What a colourful world out here, don't you just love this world which is so colourful?
Thank you for bring me the other side of world from your point of view. I enjoy it very much.

Autumn is great!
Nice see you around from blog, Alles Gute !!

Anonymous said...

How grand - so different from some of the other parts of Lisbon and environs. It's what I remember most from my first ever visit to Europe (Austria, for a month when I was 16 - back then I was fluent in German!) - that there were real castles dotted all around the country. The idea of such ancient grandeur is quite exciting to we New-world-ers!.. now, having written all that, I clicked your link and found it was built only 100 years ago! Yet, I'll leave what I wrote, because the magic is still there.

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant site Mile Stones! You brought Portugal to me in China. Thank you for all of the inspiration and beauty here.

Anonymous said...
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tsduff said...

Oh! Can you hear my intake of breath as I scroll down and am transported to another place of beauty?! If only I could just blink my eyes and be there for a moment or two. Beautiful pictures. This is a site I hope to see for myself one day. LOVE IT!

Icarus said...

Thank you all, thank you all & thank you all!

A special word of hello to M: you are partricularly welcome, not noly because I aprreciate your compliments ,but more because of what I have seen on your blog.
It disturbs me, and more it makes me bloody angry that a government can decide that blgspot is not 'healthy' for its people. Dissidence = 'pessimism'; Curiosity and imagination = rebellion. Who the hell do they think they are?
M, please come back here; I don't know how much courage it takes for you to do it, or why you are there, or if you are mnale or female. But please come back here, look through the archives and find this crazy, different, chaotic but peaceful and comparatively open place which is Portugal! And do not forget to visit all the others who are my friends around this world, who are wonderful, creative people. Out here, we take this freedom so much for granted.

Anonymous said...

I feel so encouraged to know you're there speaking for us. Well actually I think I'm not that disturbed. Things are going better here. Perhaps I didn't make it very clear: they did't pass any laws or something alike that bans us; they just "turn something on" (or off, I guess) and we couldn't load the blogsot webpages (now we can). Similar things also happens on Wikipedia and Geocities, and once on SourceForge. Yes we are angry -- but not many of us. For me there's no need to be angry -- freedom and curiosity and imagination are simply there. They can do such things but they can't "turn me off" (and I'm sure that they really don't care whether such a tiny person like me is "on" or "off"; I do no harm :-P ). So I'm just fine ;) Somehow I cannot understand why they do all these things so secretly? They should learn to be responsible for their acts.

Still, thank you for taking the trouble. And Happy Birthday!!
No worry! We have things fine here!

Anonymous said...

How I would love to climb those hills. The view................