Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Once Upon a 28th November

Again, not Sintra, as I had to go to Lisbon this afternoon.

1 pm: An opportunity to take a walk across one of my favourite gardens, Estrela and see 2 jugglers training.

2.45 pm: A chance to take a close-up look at the recently-restored 16th-century convent that houses the faculty administration. The work on the cloister, with the original tiles cleaned, is magnificent.

3 pm: Maria Emília, the research centre secretary leading me into the light, where my cheques are waiting.

3.20 pm: Coming out of the door of the restored part, I spy this gatinho on the unrestored steps. "Go over there, behind the columns", I order. This is one of the results.

Then back into the 21st century, a bus to the car and away again from the city where I feel like I know every street, alley, staircase, stone and person. A beautiful, peaceful afternoon. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hi, Stewart.
Just passed by to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Even better than the day before (28th). Today and everyday.
I wish you good health, harmony and that you can always be amoung those you truly care.
May the light of wisdom shine on your Way.

Mazel Tov, mate


Icarus said...

An anonymous Kajo? There can be no such thing!

Sweeeeeeeeet, thanks! And may Friday night fill your cup to overflowing with goals in the red net!
And may Saturday lunchtime do the same to mine in the other red net!

Cergie said...

Ces 4 photos sont MAGNIFIQUES, toutes !

Les balustres en bas: cette pierre joliment tournée et salie par le salpêtre

Cette silhouette lumineuse dans l'encadrement avec le beau reflet et les jaunes: je l'appellerais "lumière" cette photo

Le montage: superbe, un kaleidoscope très réussi

La photo de la petite fille en haut, si calme et apaisante

Elles sont toutes différentes mais à elles quatre elles offrent un vrai festival !

Nikon said...

Happy birthday MS, I love the cat photo - incredible.

tsduff said...

I love your beautiful views which you share with us. The convent is stunningly pretty - with it's arches and colored tiles... I love stones and tiles of blue and white. Are you magic, that you can command a cat to pose so perfectly among the columns? Man alive, that is fabulous!

Meg said...

It sounds like a fantastic place - will you take some more photos of the building when you're there the next time to pick up more cheques? Hee hee. THAT could not have been a bad pre-birthday present!

Icarus said...

Yes, it is a wonderful place. I have some beauties from July,which I could share. Be nice to see the heat again!