Monday, November 27, 2006

For M, China in Lisbon, Portugal

I have (and want) to take this one little break from Sintra in the autumn, because I am in my angry-and-defiant mood. M, if you look through the archives and begin to 'find your way' around this city, you will get a deeper insight into what are its principal land-marks.
You may also get an impression of its endless unpredictability, how you never know what, or who, is waiting around the corner for you with a feast for your eyes and senses.
I found this place in the centre of town & took these pictures in July 2002.
If you see my post of my walk 2 weeks ago, this is very close to that route. When you see the Castelo São Jorge, this is to the left. It stands at the top of an awful modern building, but which gives fabulous views of the centre, across to the castle and down to the river. I knew the picture I wanted, but it took a long time to compose this, even with a 28-105 ml zoom lens. They are digitalised film shots, which is why they look smaller and different to usual in here. Eventually, I decided I had to make them surreal, using the July sky & clouds and titlting to this angle to contrast the castle over on the left with this Chinese arch.

This second one was from stairs leading up to the arch. The sky behind made me think of Magritte. In fact, it was all a Magritte scene.
Absurd, surreal, real. China in Lisbon.
I love these pictures, and because of you, I searched them out to post them for you and everyone else. Posted by Picasa


Analía said...

"I am in my angry-and-defiant mood" ?? Oh! no, no, my friend, how come? let's do something: sing with me, mahna mahna chu chu ru ru ru. better? nope? Can I give you a hug then? Promise me tomorrow you'll feel less angry and less defiant, yes?
Great pictures again! I love your posts and your comments in our blogs.

Meg said...

It's a day early, but I'm rehearsing the song. (I'll whisper it tomorrow.)

darkdarling said...

(stole from the message you passed to M, by the way)

see you around, from the other side of world.

Deepak Gopi said...

When r u going to post photos of India?
good day:)

Cergie said...

Oui, la photo du bas est surréaliste avec ce joli ciel
Tu as raison, on ne sait le matin ce qu'on va rencontrer et c'est pour cela qu'il faut garder les yeux et le coeur grands ouverts sur le monde... et toujours avoir l'appareil photo à proximité !

Ce qui est surréaliste aussi, c'est que je viens juste de faire des recherches et de retrouver dans mes archives photos une photo de la "bannière vietnamienne" que j'ai dans mon entrée et que je me demandais si je n'allais pas la poster demain

Vois tu mile, je dois te répondre encore à ton gentil mail, mais je suis bien fatiguée car j'ai eu du monde à la maison tout le week end et hier aussi
Je ne perds pas de vue de te répondre
Tu sais que j'aime avoir les idées claires pour le faire
A bientôt et porte toi bien !

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!!


Anonymous said...

Aha, René Magritte, really. It's *really* surreal!

Anonymous said...

A defiant mood eh! Mad, bad and dangerous to know! Having a Byron day? Thank you for sharing these wondrous sights with us. I don't understand the technicalities of your photographs but appreciate the composition.
P.S. The cake is cooked!

Icarus said...

I just finished a long return comment. Too long. It disappeared.
No time to try again now. Going out for while. :-(((((((((

Stephen A. Bess said...

These photos are beautifully framed. I love them! By the way, if your friend Analia didn't cheer you up who can? She has me cheerful. I'm singing along, "mahna mahna chu chu ru ru ru." :) That's funny.

Icarus said...

OK, I have to try & repeat briefly what I wrote earlier to clarify, as Stephen has picked up on what Analia started.
So, I am not down, sulking, in any bad mood. I am actually incredibly up. It's a really positive time. When I said I was "Defiant & Angry", that is an integral, fundamental part of me. It's the opposite to indifference. "D & A" is when I see an injustice that I am just not going to back away from trying to do something about.
Without "D & A", there wouldn't be anything to me that was of any use to anyone, or to me. In other words, I can be "D & A" and up at the same time. Stephen, I KNOW you know what I mean. No struggle got anywhere without this force, right? It is my politics, my trying to be my best. So, when i visited M's blog, it made me mad as hell to learn what the Govt of the People's Republic of China had been doing, banning anyone from using or entering blogspot. No way can I let that be without a fight, at least a show of solidarity, for M and our fellow-bloggers in China. Simple. To everything there is a season.
For 15 years, I led my own educational organisation into working with just about every liberation movement in Central & Lat. America, Africa & beyond. Do you think it was because i was induging in a long sulk? No way! It was the most enriching time of my whole life.
Stephen, please go see Analia'sblog, & you'll "mahna mahna" catch on. it was hilarious!
And Ruth, Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme that cake! NOW! Can't wait anymore.
Deepak-Ji, I will work on it.Promise!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Wow! I didn't know that about China. I'll be looking into this on the web. Yes, you have a right to be in an "angry-and-defiant mood." I admire you, sir. I'll check out Analia when in a few. Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

MIle, you probably don't know that that "mahna mahna" clip has been around a LONG time - it's from the Muppet Show, by Jim Henson, a great genius of puppetry who is underappreciated because much of his best work was done on the childrne's TV show, Sesame Street. I knew him and his daughter (a college classmate) and revere him (and adore that clip!)
Following all the other commenters' links I've just met some amazing new people - thank you Mile!

Icarus said...

A quick one for you Jen. Thanks. Sure I knew! did you read my dialogue at Analia's, about my Mahna-manha cousin? He used to drive me mad with that!
And you know Henson? I thought he died some years ago? Didn't you know that they moved all their production to London, near my home? Our downstairs neighbor's daughter, Xenia, worked for them,making costumes.
It is truly a priceless collection of jewels, I agree 100%. Where 2 Next? Mahna-mahna.....

Carlos said...

Mile, I perfectly understand what you mean by Defiant & Angry, that's me (although I may seem the opposite). I'm in a hurry, so I'll have check the "mahna mahna" thing some other day.