Monday, October 30, 2006

Saturday, 28 October, Summer's Last Curtain Call

Suddenly, a perfect beach day. This is the end of it, in both senses.
Collage of setting sun down Hello Avenue. Why 'Hello'? The flags promote a well-known ice cream brand, which in Portugal is known as 'Olá', which happens to've guessed it. At the Queen's Beach, or Praia da Rainha, the flags guide you onto the sand, the 'Olá' facing the sea.
Nature choreographed a spectacular sunset. I think it is something to share with anyone who doesn't see ocean sunsets often, or ever.

(2) Just after the sun had vanished, the colours of the Atlantic and the light clouds were .........

(3) Everybody has gone. I have been missing this place all through the summer. Amongst other things, I miss the bigness of it, these vast spaces of land and seascape, where you just need to look out, drink it in, feel small and feel calmed.

(4) That twain that never shall meet - hard on the heels of the setting sun comes the rising moon. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

You live in a beautiful place and I feel I can see it through your eyes.

Cergie said...

Ah ! Tu as eu la plage pour toi seul (ou avec ton amie). Quelle belle plage.
C'est bien de se lever tôt.

La lune, avant hier, elle était belle, en croissant, un beau croissant et comme elle est menteuse, elle disait D, décroissant.
Et quand elle fait C, comme elle et menteuse, oui, cela veut dire qu'elle décroit et non qu'elle croit.

Donc on va bientôt avoir la pleine lune.

Meg said...

I never thought about the sun and the moon never meeting - eclipse is as close as they get, is it? What a fun thought!