Monday, October 30, 2006

Extra: Autumn Sun, Light, Me & My Shadow.

Extra because I must say that I am beginning to drown/afogar/noyer in work. So for at least the rest of this week, I must be disciplined and do that, instead of this.
So, for this temporary phase, here I am - almost - from tip to toe.

I am very happy to inform you that my legs are not as long as they appear here. When I saw the effect of the low late-afternoon sun behind me on the street, I couldn't resist taking a whole set as my shadow grew taller than my soul (or the soles getting toasted in the first picture).

And where is my shadow now, I wonder......

All of you be well, be your best and come back soon to visit, right? Posted by Picasa


AnaGF said...

Ânimo para esse trabalho!

Anonymous said...

A giant bestrides the town...what I like about this shot in addition to the perspective is teh mysterious rays of light shooting in from the corner - how did you manage that!

Cergie said...

SOOooOO long, shadow !
Tu es l'homme sans ombre ?
C'est terrible, cela veut dire que tu vas travailler dans un bureau, n'est ce pas ?
J'espère que tu reverras le soleil,à l'heure où les ombres sont longues.
Tu le photographies si bien.

tsduff said...

Okay... first, intense envy, as I see your carefree feet enjoying the rays of the my favorite place in the world... The Beach.

Then, such a funny, smiley picture, of long, long legs :-)

You're good Stew.

Meg said...

I'm supposed to stop blogging for a while, too, but it's like meeting up with friends, isn't it!

Marguerite said...

J'aime les pavés, je collectionne les pavés: de berlin, de prague, de louvain, de pontoise, de dieppe.
Chaque ville a un pavé différent.

Tim Rice said...

Great photo! I can so relate to being busy. I must work at cutting things out of my schedule though it probably won't happen before next September.

Anonymous said...

hmmm .. it's a great picture... very creative .. but isn't it cold there? Autumn here in Chicago is cold .. I miss summmmer ..

Anonymous said...

não te esqueças a vida não é só trabalho.

Marguerite said...

AH ! J'étais pas folle ! J'avais bien commenté sur une ombre !!!

Cergie / lucie marguerite

marjan hols reis photography said...

your feet picture looks wonderful gives a feeling of relaxing at the end of the day, goodluck with your work!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous blog, fabulous photos