Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Blues...Our Fallible

This is an apology for the post that never arrived. Instead of the 4 pictures and their theme, here is the palhaço that I feel like after wasting so much precious time trying to bring abstractions to the internet.
Maybe tomorrow. Who knows?


tsduff said...


You worry too much :-)

Alex said...

A beautiful and "TOUCHING" photo ;) avec beaucoup d'humour!
Les couleurs sont chouettes aussi!

Cergie said...

Elle est très belle cette photo, J'aime ce rouge (trois couleurs: rouge, blanc et noir), et pourtant saute aux yeux, le coté triste de ce clown, accablé par le poids de sa charge (le monde ?) et de ses soucis.

Tu n'as pas à t'excuser, c'est ton blog, tu fais ce que tu veux et ce que tu peux.
Et en plus cette photo valait vraiment la peine d'être vue.

Manuel Tendero Gil said...

hola estupenda foto un saludo

Oleanderman said...

Still a nice picture though. An alternate Atlas...

Emmanuelle said...

The same thing with me - Blogger didn't want to publish my photos for about one month! (si ma mémoire est bonne)

Icarus said...

But Emmanuelle, I CANNOT wait a month. In fact, I'm going to try again in a few minutes!
Terry, you are right. I have a Ph.D in Contemporary Worrying :)

Gang, I love this clown. I'll let you into a secret. He was actually sitting on another clown's shoulders!
I was watching that red alternative atlas moving around and followed until I was face to face. A great moment!
When I saw the picture, I 'adopted' it for myself. you see Terry, it represents me and a whole lifetime of carrying the world's worries on my shoulders!
Now, let's try & post last night's confection....

Jenny said...

I recognize you in this photo - how you see yourself. It's a fine picture on its own, too. I'll pop back in a little while to see what "last night's confection" might be.