(1) 'Great Post-War Portuguese Photographers, Em Foco' Exhib. & my view.
(2) Suddenly, a solitary child runs through the university, Faculdade de Letras, Lisboa.

(3) "Espelho Meu/Mirror, Mirror" Exhib. 1974 Revolution & After, CC Belem. This was what I wanted to take away from a superb exhib.

(4) As magnificent Mariza sang for free to 10,000 in the open air, the couple came out of the shadows, descended the steps in front of the illuminated torre de Belem and danced to their hearts' content to the enchanting fado .....for me.

Blogspot is capricious. Too capricious.
This was the 4th time I posted the pictures and wrote the text tonight, adding to last night's attempt. When this version finally loaded, i discovered that one other of tonight's was in fact published! I got no notification, so more wasted time. Dleted the earlier version. I hope whoever visits looks well and enjoys them. They come to you only from great determination and because I like them so much that I couldn't give it up! Cheers.
I'm glad you stuck with it - it was worth it. Someday I'll be able to help you with blogger so you don't get into this mess again. The first picture is magical and mysterious (is it a double-exposure?), the second one of the child, pure gold. The last one of the dancers brings joy to my heart.
It was worth the wait! Such a great variety of a different perspective. Thank you for your perserverance :-)
Bonjour, je suis la petite soeur de cergie.
J'aime bien aussi ce qui en dehors ou derrière les yeux.
C'est pourquoi j'aime la brume, les miroirs, les reflets.
La caméra est comme dotée d'une vie propre et souvent réserve des surprises: les couleurs d'un couchant ne sont jamais celles qu'on a vues de ses yeux.
La nuit réserve aussi des surprises.
Et aussi souvent l'oeil de la caméra fixe des détails qu'on n'a pas remarqués (souviens toi mon oiseau aux ailes en triangle).
C'est cela le miracle de la photographie. Il faut un doigt pour appuyer, un oeil humain pour voir, mais c'est l'appareil photo qui fait la photo.
Je défie même le plus grand photographe de dire qu'il maîtrise toujours tout.
D'ailleurs, les photographes professionnels photographient en "rafale" car ils ne sont jamais sur de quelle photo aura "l'étincelle" qui la rend UNIQUE.
Tes photos sont chouettes et illustrent bien ton propos.
terrific experimentation, I like them, especially the top one. Now you can stop being a clown and keep posting interesting shots like these!
PS I keep meaning to tell you... I will post those beach houses one day for you, the shots I have are not good enough, I plan to do some more soon. I 'll let you know!
The picture of the child running was my favorite!
hello stewie! breathe... remember that tigers have a lot of patience. nothing gets in our way ;)
They are some vivid images - I especially like the winsome quality of the first, the sepia tones, the dreamlike quality. The last has an electric fascination about too. Great stuff.
Mile, mon ami, tu fais donc confiance à l'appareil photo et à la chance !
Je fais comme ça et ne suis pas souvent déçue, souvent je fais de belles découvertes.
Quand à blogger, je crois que tout le monde en bave en ce moment, espérons que quand les enfants rentreront à l'école cela ira mieux.
J'ai regardé catnap, c'est adorable, je suis ravie d'apprendre de jolis mots anglais.
still running... still running...
gostei de estas 'Belated Abstractions' nice experimentos...
me gusta mucho esta pequeña serie de fotografías, transmiten dinamismo y vida.
I especially like the first photo enlarged, and the story for the last one. Good on you for being tenacious.
These all feel like dreams...I love the colours in the one of the two dancing...but the first one, I really was fascinated with that.
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